Monday, December 12, 2022

Worship resources for December 18, 2022

Worship resources update
Providing accessible, sound worship resources has become an essential part of Presbyterian Outlook's identity over the past several years. We often hear that these materials support small and over-extended church staff. We also frequently hear that it would be helpful to have these worship resources available earlier. Because we value our readership and desire to serve the church to the best of our ability, we're listening to you.

In January 2023, we will begin releasing our worship resources two weeks in advance rather than one week in advance.
December 18, 2022
Fourth Sunday of Advent

Matthew 1:18-25


One of my favorite yearly traditions is the holiday cards that arrive in our mailbox from friends and loved ones. They always include a lovely collection of smiling faces, but I also admire the cards that offer some honesty as well. For instance, several years ago we received a card from a friend who had recently divorced. The photograph he sent showed him and his children happy and carefree on summer vacation. The joyful scene in the picture contrasted starkly with a paragraph at the end of the letter where my friend wrote, “People from broken families pay an emotional price all of the time, but that is especially true during the holidays.”

That card continues to remind me that for many the joy of this season is mingled with pain and sorrow. The merrymaking of these days covers up the truth that this is not the most wonderful time of year for everyone. We sing, “I’ll be home for Christmas.” But where is home for folks whose families have been torn apart? What if home is a place of bitterness and betrayal? What if the happy memories of these days are harsh reminders of what we have lost, of who we have lost?

Christmas is difficult.

But then, as this text from Matthew suggests, Christmas has been difficult from the beginning.

You can find the rest of the commentary on our website.

An order of worship for Dec. 18, 2022. This liturgy is free to use.
A prayer for light in Advent by Daniel Heath
Preparing the way of the Lord— A Uniform Standard Lesson for Dec. 18, 2022, by Richard Boyce
The fourth Sunday in Advent — Weekly Christian ed lesson by Joelle Brummit-Yale


God is dancing at the gay bar
Sarah Leer shares five tips for youth workers navigating the Club Q shooting with young adults.

Lilly Endowment Grant at Union Presbyterian Seminary to provide a bridge for early career preachers
The $1 million grant will fill the unique gap between formal theological education and the early years of preaching ministry. — UPTS

Renewed faith will help Black lives matter, says 2023 religion award winner
Episcopal priest and womanist theologian Kelly Brown Douglas is awarded $100,000 prize for the 2023 Grawemeyer Award in Religion. — LPTS

Let’s not skip Advent
When life gets hectic, Advent invites us to slow down. We all need that this time of year, writes Maggie Alsup.

The Psychology of Christian Nationalism: Why People Are Drawn In and How to Talk Across the Divide
Quincy Worthington reviews Pamela Cooper-White's book.

Amy Grant, ‘queen of Christian pop,’ feted at Kennedy Center Honors
‘There was only one person who could really fulfill that requirement, and that was Amy,’ Kennedy Center's board chair, in an interview, said of ‘long overdue’ recognition. — RNS

Advent prayers
A collection of Advent prayers by Presbyterian Outlook.

Theological schools report continued drop in master of divinity degrees
Enrollment at theological schools has remained stable, but the two-year M.A. degree is appealing to more students. — RNS

The PC(USA)’s Christmas Joy Offering helps Menaul School students to overcome boundaries and realize their potential
One graduate describes walls being broken down throughout his time at the school in Albuquerque. — PNS
Book Giveaway! Thanks to Westminster John Knox Press, we're giving away a copy of Scott Black Johnston’s Elusive Grace. to one lucky reader of Page Turners, the Outlook's NEW, free monthly newsletter about all things book-related. To be entered in the drawing, subscribe here to Page Turners by Dec. 14.
Download the FREE Blue Christmas Service: For worship planners or individual devotions, this six-page downloadable guide has prayers, readings and hymns for reflection on the sadness that sometimes also accompanies the joy of the holidays. Request the resource here.

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