Monday, December 12, 2022

Presbyterians for Earth Care Dec. 12th Advent Devotion

December 12th

Isaiah 7:10-16

Paul Heins

“As deep as the grave or as high as heaven,” offered the prophet Isaiah to the anxious King Ahaz.  The powers that be were inspecting the defenses of the city under threat by forces greater than they.  How things change. How they stay the same. 

Creations crisis is throwing up all kinds of signs from microplastics on the sea floor, to decimated mountaintops strip of their minerals, to raging storms and parched riverbeds. Forces greater than us threaten the well-being of the planet.  We long for a different kind of sign that there is deliverance or hope on the horizon.  Isaiah assures the king–too despairing to hope-that God was active, moving beyond his sight…beyond our sight, for peace. This is our advent faith.  

Our advent faith also encourages us to hold up signs, signs telling the powers that be that their ramparts–consumption, convenience, profit–are creating the crisis that casts shadow on all of us. We can hold up signs of hope, connection, resilience, and simplicity; signs that proclaim we are partners with the God who even now is active beyond the horizon to bring peace.  This is our advent faith.   

A small congregation on the Puget Sound has held up such a sign. It is accompanied by power to charge electric vehicles when they are running low on juice. It is their gift to the community. It is a sign of hope. 

What sign of hope will you, or your congregation hold up this Advent season and beyond? 

Holy God, may we trust in your faithfulness and intention for peace and healing for all life.  May we hold up signs that encourage and empower us to partner in your faithfulness.  Emmanuel.


Mindy Hidenfelter
Presbyterians for Earth Care

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