Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Join Us in Uniting Churches Around the World for Prayer & Witness in May 2023

Join Us in Uniting Churches Around the World for Prayer & Witness in May 2023

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

The Advent Season when we reflect on the meaning of Christmas seems like an ideal time to share this “save the date” with you that aims to unite our efforts for 2023 to share the good news of Jesus Christ’s coming into this world.

Earlier this year, we launched the first annual Season of Global Witness & Disciple-Making in the month of May. It emerged from a number of conversations with global organizations and initiatives that all seek to mobilize local churches and believers to pray and share the gospel with their neighbors.

As a movement that has sought to unite evangelical churches for more than 175 years, the WEA – together with all the regional and national Evangelical Alliances in 143 countries – is natural partners in such an initiative. After all, we seek unity not simply for the sake of unity but because Jesus prayed for unity, so that the world would believe (John 17:20-23)!

Because of the unique role that National Alliances can play in mobilizing churches, I would like to share with you early on the schedule for the coming year, which you can see below. We hope you will join us in praying for the Holy Spirit to move the global body of Christ and for every believer to be encouraged to use this season to intentionally witness to those around them.

There will be more information and helpful resources provided in the coming months leading up to May. Thank you in advance for your participation!

Sincerely in Christ,

Bishop Dr Thomas Schirrmacher

Secretary General

World Evangelical Alliance


Pray and Go!

Join 120 million believers:

  • To pray and share about Jesus
  • launching a decade to reach everyone by 2033


About 2000 years ago, 120 Believers were praying on the initial Pentecost and the place was shaking. What would happen if 120 million believers were to pray and go into the world to witness?

May 9: Day of the Bible


May 18: Ascension Thursday. Starting 10 days of prayer. 

A covenant to pray together asking the Lord of the Harvest to empower His church for a decade of prayer and evangelism. Luke 10:2


May 27: Go Day. We call every believer to be a witness for Christ. 

May 28: Go Decade launch, as well as Church Planting Sunday. 

Continue to pray and share the Gospel as a lifestyle. 

Everyone can reach someone. Together we can reach the world.

World Evangelical Alliance

Church Street Station, P.O. Box 3402, New York, NY 10008-3402, U.S.A.

Phone: +[1] 212-233-3046  |  Fax: +[1] 646-957-9218 


© Copyright 2022 World Evangelical Alliance

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