Friday, December 16, 2022

Presbyterians for Earth Care Dec. 16th Advent Devotion

December 16th

Psalm 80:8-11

Mark Eakin

Psalm 80 sings of God spreading the faithful across Israel: “You brought a vine out of Egypt … The mountains were covered with its shade, the mighty cedars with its branches; it sent out its branches to the sea and its shoots to the River.”


The psalmist had no idea how big the world was beyond the Middle East. He also had no idea of the new perspectives on faith Jesus would bring. These were as foreign as the parts of the world the psalmist had never seen. Two millennia later, Jesus’ message of love and forgiveness would reach across the whole Earth, across all the oceans and lands.


Similarly, we now realize our technology and “progress” impacts all of God’s creation, from the highest part of the atmosphere to the deepest part of the sea – for bad and for good. We have trampled the Earth and soiled the rivers and seas as Psalm 80’s metaphorical wild boar ravaged the vine God had planted.


But our ancestors’ faith and God’s never-ending love restored the nation of Israel after its desecration. Can we find the faith to repair our desecration of the world God gave us to protect?


Meditation: Wonderful creator God, help us all alleviate the harm we have caused our environment. Just as God restored the nation of Israel so long ago, may the Earth be restored. 


Mindy Hidenfelter
Presbyterians for Earth Care

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