Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Presbyterians for Earth Care Dec. 20th Advent Devotion

December 20th

Isaiah 62:6-10

Paul Heins

You who call on the LORD,
dont rest,

and dont allow God to rest” Is. 62:7

What a remarkable statement by the prophet Isaiah…”Don’t allow God to rest.”

Can you sense a little frustration, disappointment, or impatience on the part of the prophet who was waiting for God to make things right? 

The people of Israel had suffered a brutal exile and returned home to find that home was not shaping up the way they expected, and God was distant.  “Don’t allow God to rest.”  C’mon Lord! Hurry up!

Advent is about eager expectation–not just for the joyful arrival of a baby in a manger, but for the restoration of life, of balance, of harmony to a creation that is struggling. If you feel God is distant from our struggle or wondering why God would allow things to go so slowly, or backward two steps before going forward one, then you are not alone. It’s ok. Like the prophet, give voice to your struggle.  Join your siblings on the ramparts…and don’t allow God to rest until things are set right. It’s Advent, a time of holy impatience. 

On a recent trip to Hawaii, I had occasion to visit Volcanoes National Park. Did you know an eruption is in progress? This one is not spewing lava into the air and exploding, it’s slow, but unstoppable.

The prophet will go on to say, “prepare the way for the people. Build, build the road; clear away the stones!” Get ready. Partner in the work and look for a fresh coming. 

Lord, hear our cry. Receive our impatience and frustration. Come.  


Mindy Hidenfelter
Presbyterians for Earth Care

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