Monday, December 19, 2022

Presbyterians for Earth Care Dec. 18th Advent Devotion

Fourth Sunday of Advent: December 18th

Matthew 1:18-25

Carolyn Winfrey Gillette


The challenges of this world— like climate change— may seem overwhelming, and we may worry that there are no good solutions to them.  Praying is always a helpful first step. Take a moment to reflect on this hymn-prayer based on the Christmas story in Matthew:


Joseph Was Troubled

Tune:  ADELAIDE (“Have Thine Own Way, Lord”)


Joseph was troubled by what he knew!

Mary was pregnant; what should he do?

He wanted justice— not to cause shame.

He would dismiss her, placing no blame.


Joseph was sleeping; that night he dreamed.

Nothing was really as it had seemed.

“Don’t be afraid— make Mary your wife.

God has a plan for your baby’s life.”


Hearing that message, Joseph obeyed,

Seeing a new path God’s love had made.

He stood by Mary, waiting that birth,

Seeing God’s Son there— Savior of earth!


God, when our troubles seem far too great,

Help us to listen, wonder and wait;

Sometimes the world is not as it seems.

Give us your vision; give us your dreams.


Biblical Reference:  Matthew 1:18-25 Tune:  Adelaide A. Pollard, 1906.

Text: Copyright © 2016 by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette.  All rights reserved.

Copied from God’s World is Changing:  New Hymns for Advent and Christmas by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette 


Climate change can be a trouble that seems “far too great.”  Ground your “action” in a life of prayer and an openness to God.  You may be surprised!  God gives courage, new vision, dreams that can turn into reality, and new ways of living that are life-giving for everyone.


Action:   Ponder ways to counter climate change as a Christmas gift to Jesus.  For ideas, check out the PEC website:  


Mindy Hidenfelter
Presbyterians for Earth Care

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