Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Presbyterians for Earth Care Dec. 7th Advent Devotion

December 7th

Psalm 146:5-10, Luke 1:46b-55

Barbara Hassall

Mothers play an important role in the Christmas story; a story of birth and renewal for our world.

Bookending the scripture for today, there are 2 mothers-to-be, closely related, that hold center stage. Elizabeth, barren into her “old” age now pregnant and Mary, her young cousin, chosen by God to bear the savior of the world: both living out miracles from God. Both will give birth to sons who will find their lives intertwined as adults in changing the direction of our salvation.

Joy surrounds the women as Elizabeth and her unborn child acknowledge the presence of God in Mary’s womb, a joy that can’t be contained in mere words; song is the only outlet!  In Mary’s “song” she, too, praises God’s action in her life. She sings and dances out of pure joy for the blessings God has brought upon her. She praises all that God has done to fulfill promises to Israel’s people across the years. She, in some way, understands that she will play a role in bringing blessings to the world through God’s actions in her life.

These same expressions of joy and blessing should be ours as we interact with the world, the “Mother Nature” we have been given by God. We are blessed by the daily renewal of Creation as God continues to keep the promises made from the beginning. Our response in this season of Advent, this season of preparation, should be one of joy, nurture, and care for the gift we have been given by God, a world full of beauty and majesty. God’s gifts should not be taken for granted, but like a mother caring for her child, given a place of honor. Creation should be number one on our Christmas list.



Creator God, Maker and Sustainer of all things, grant your children the joy of renewal and birth that you gave to Elizabeth and Mary at the time of Jesus’ nativity. Grant us renewal of our love and joy and care for the Creation You have gifted to us that we may honor You always.  Amen

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