Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Worship resources for March 12, 2023

March 12, 2023
Third Sunday in Lent
Exodus 17:1-7, John 4:5-42

“You may be dehydrated right now but not know it.”

Bradley P. Holt begins his book Thirsty for God: A Brief History of Christian Spirituality with these words, explaining that the first signals our body gives us that we need water are not immediate and strong. We might feel uneasy or tired and head to the refrigerator for a snack when what we really need is a tall glass of water.

The same is true of our spiritual thirst, Holt continues. We may feel restless, anxious or depressed and try to satisfy our needs with retail therapy, a chocolate fix, or unhealthy intimate relationships when what we really need is to know that we are loved, that we belong, that we are not wandering the wilderness of our lives alone and without resources, that God is with us.

The lectionary passages of this third Sunday in Lent are characterized by people who thirst. In Exodus 17:1-7, the wilderness wandering Israelites have encamped in Rephidim, only to discover there is no water. “Is the Lord among us or not?” they ask. In John 4:5-42, Jesus meets a Samaritan woman at the well whose thirst for love and belonging was so intense she responds to Jesus’ offer of living water with an emphatic, “Sir, give me this water.”

Thirsty people sit in our church pews as well. Jeniah has had a reoccurrence of breast cancer. Her body is thirsty for healing; her heart is thirsty for hope. Doug knows his drinking has gotten out of control. His thirst for alcohol disguises the reasons he turned to drink in the first place — to escape the stress of his job, to numb the grief of his broken marriage. Anya’s a working mom of twin toddlers. Her social media algorithm knows her thirst, offering up life hacks and healthy, time-saving meals delivered to her door for a price she can’t afford. In the pulpit, Greg’s thirsty for a miracle, for God to show up and renew his pastoral vocation that has depleted him and dulled his faith. The consequences of our lives often leave us thirsty, questioning whether God is real — and if God’s promises include us.

You can find the rest of the commentary on our website.

Order of worship for March 12, 2023. These liturgies are free to use.
One year of war in Ukraine — a prayer by Arianne Braithwaite Lehn
Called into the center — Uniform Standard Lessons for March 12, 2023, by Richard Boyce
More than water — Weekly Christian ed lesson for March 12, 2023, by Joelle Brummit-Yale
Want the worship resources for March 3, 2023? You can find them here.


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