Thursday, February 16, 2023

Blessed are the Merciful: Seed Thoughts

Christian Counselor

Seed Thought for This Week 

Sent weekly to over 100,000 Christian families.  

Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. 

 (Mathew 5:7)   

Let's look at how we could respond when we are offended. When we are offended in word or deed, we mitigate its impact when we are merciful to the offender. The more merciful we are, the less we will react or continue to react to people who have offended us.

When we realize we are all just human and make mistakes, we are more gentle, merciful, and forgiving. Sometimes we make poor decisions. And often we have spoiled attitudes and patterns of thinking that result in offensive behavior that hurt people around us. All of this is what it means to be human. 

If we acknowledge our shortcomings and how easy it is to offend, we are less likely to be offended. And if this is not enough to recognize the frailties we have when we are offended, then we look to Jesus when He stressed the necessity of mercy and that God’s favor and forgiveness are given to those who show it, preaching that “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.”

Written by

Joseph C. Hutchison

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