Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Worship resources for 8/21

August 21, 2022
Eleventh Sunday of Pentecost

Jeremiah 1:4-10


People who meet me today have a hard time believing that I was painfully shy through my adolescence and well into young adulthood. In my college years, when I first felt God nudging me towards ministry, this feeling of call made no rational sense. I was still afraid to speak to boys, let alone preach from a pulpit.

I resonate with the hesitancy and fear with which those who are called react to God. Jeremiah’s objections include his inexperience, youth, and that he’s not a great public speaker. Moses, Isaiah and Ezekiel all had their own very rational objections as to why they couldn’t follow God. Apparently, it’s quite normal to feel unqualified when God dials your number.

Presbyterians teach that everyone is called by God — created for a unique purpose, known even before they are born. Sometimes we fail to understand the breadth and variety of call, believing it is meant only for clergy or those seeking a full-time vocation in the church. But God calls us to meet the needs of the world through a variety of roles. Some are called to be pastors, others teachers, community organizers, engineers, entrepreneurs, auto mechanics or architects. With the help of the community of faith, we discern our special call, the purpose for which God created us.

You can find the rest of the commentary on our website.

An order of worship for August 21, 2022. This liturgy is free to use.
Back to school blessing by Teri McDowell Ott.
Just a kid — Weekly Christian ed lesson by Joelle Brummit-Yale
“I’ve got all I’ll ever need ‘Cause I’ve got Jesus and gravity” by Leslie Scanlon


Young adult advisory delegates in action
YAAD Daniel Herron reflects on GA225.

Who don’t I know?
Teri McDowell Ott's editorial for Outlook's "Wrapping up a historic, hybrid General Assembly" issue.

The Spirit has been calling women to leadership for centuries
Citing the all-women synagogue of Acts 16, the female leaders of the Philippian church and the “Mother of Quakerism” Margaret Fell, Rev. Aaron Neff argues that the Spirit does not discriminate against gender, humans do.

On creativity
Rev. Greg Rapier looks at his son’s chicken-scratch drawings and sees something beautiful — holy, even. Perhaps creativity, whether it is in a child or adult, points to something greater.

Having autism makes finding a spiritual community difficult. Here are some ways to help.
Encourage community members to accept them for who they are and to become real friends. And realize that their religious expression will look different from yours.

kin-dom camp in Texas welcomes 57 LGBTQIA+ campers
"You are in a space where you're loved and affirmed" — PNS.

Did you hear?
‘Navigator of Peace’ the Rev. Jack Mathison dies at 97
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Our mailing address is:
1 N. 5th St., Suite 500 Richmond, VA 23219

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