Wednesday, August 31, 2022

The PC(USA) Store - Hymnal Resources for All the Ways Your Community Gathers

“Where two or three are gathered in my name,
I am there among them.”

—Matthew 18:20

The Body of Christ has creatively gathered since meeting in the Upper Room to worship God and sing praise. Over the past few years, we’ve seen the ways we gather together change. Churches using both physical and online spaces have found ways to reach new members while still taking care of their current members. In all the ways we come together, music is the stream that moves and connects us.

Equipping members, new and old, with the connecting music they need for weekly worship is a challenge and the Glory to God hymnal has resources for you. Learn more about some of these resources below or browse all hymnal products.

Pew Editions
Think outside the pew when considering how to get music in the hands of your congregation. We’ve heard from many churches who are providing pew editions of the hymnal to members who continue to participate virtually in worship from their homes.
Additional options to provide to members include the app version, available through various app platforms, as well as the ebook edition, available on several popular platforms including Kindle, Apple iBooks, B&N Nook, and more.
Enlarged Print, Text Edition (Words Only)
With a larger font size, this option helps include those who may have difficulty reading the standard size of the pew edition. Additionally, this is a great resource for those using the hymnal for devotion or study.
Glory to God—Hymns and Songs for Children and Families
Perfect for children, this resource features 19 songs and 4 prayers from the Glory to God hymnal that form a soundtrack for children to know themselves as God's children no matter where they are. It is available in a CD-format from PC(USA) Store or as a download on iTunes.
Projection Editions
Words Only Edition: $249.00
Words and Music Edition: $499.00
Did you know that in addition to being used during in-person worship, slides from the projection edition may be shown on screen during virtual worship, provided that all projection permissions are in place as indicated in the “Electronic Editions Permissions Guidelines” posted on the Hymnal Rights and Permissions page?
Please note that slides should be shared for viewing only. Slides should never be posted or archived in any way that enables downloading, copying, pasting, or any other use that infringes on the rights of the copyright holder. Additionally, projecting from the Web Edition, available through PC(USA) Store, during in‐person or online worship is not allowed. However, this is still an excellent resource to help with all of your worship planning needs. Browse all web edition options, including a free 30-day trial.
Browse All Glory to God Resources
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