Friday, September 4, 2020

Connecting during social distancing: This week's resources for worship, study and navigating COVID-19


Presbyterian Outlook
COVID-19 news & resources

As we approach the Labor Day weekend the realities of our current context come into stark relief. Travel is restricted and our traditional gatherings unable to take place. Nonetheless, we will worship and remember the resurrection of our Lord and the hope in God's power and goodness it proclaims. We pray God's peace and joy for you as you continue to be the Body of Christ for the sake of the world.

Remember: Check our website or follow us on social media to get materials as soon as they are released. You'll find weekly "Looking into the lectionary" reflections, all of the Outlook's COVID-19 news and stories, and our new worship resources here.

Grace and peace,
Jill Duffield

Worship resources
News & Ministry Aids
Here's how a church in Pennsylvania loves their neighbors through gifts of hand-made masks.
Colleges are finding way to gather around the table — even when it has to happen virtually.
Sometimes we need tangible things — to really feel them in our hands, to let the Spirit blow through our elements and feed our souls. So Rebecca Gresham-Kesner put together worship bags containing a common loaf and tiny cups and delivered them to congregation homes.
COVID-19 just might be uncovering the resilient, tenacious sustainability of the rural church suggests Presbyterian pastor Steve Willis.
Using the parable of the lost sheep, Outlook blogger Julie Raffety comments on the stresses of shepherding God's people during coronavirus.
Are these resources helpful to your ministry or faith practice?

Donations help us create additional resources to serve the church.
The Presbyterian Outlook | 1 N. 5th St., Suite 500Richmond, VA 23219

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