We recognize your plans for a joyous Easter celebration have changed due to the coronavirus outbreak. Please know you are not alone — we are the Church together, and we are united in the risen Christ on Easter Sunday.
With that in mind, we invite you to join us for an Easter celebration and message of hope. An Easter worship video was emailed to all congregations and mid councils on April 9. The worship video will be available in English, Spanish and Korean. It will also be shared on the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) website (pcusa.org) and the PC(USA) Facebook page beginning April 9.
Begin planning now how you might utilize this resource. We hope it is helpful for congregations that are unable to hold their own virtual worship. Even congregations that are already streaming worship may wish to watch. You may choose to create a sense of community by asking your congregation to watch the video at an appointed time.
In this time of crisis, the ministry of the Church is more important than ever. We are encouraging Presbyterians to give generously to their local church, providing support for their congregation and community. We also encourage support for One Great Hour of Sharing as a witness to the whole Church coming together to support the most vulnerable among us. To accompany the Easter service, download this bulletin insert highlighting the offering and how it enables the Church to respond in times of crisis.
Our hope is that Presbyterians might unite in spirit during worship on Easter.
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