Friday, September 29, 2023

The Presbyterian Outlook - Worship resources for October 8, 2023

October 8, 2023
Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Exodus 20:1-4, 7-9, 12-20

In order to preach or teach this Scripture, I feel like it is well worth our time to help frame the context surrounding it.

So quick recap: God gave the Ten Commandments shortly after freeing God’s enslaved people from captivity in Egypt. The book of Genesis ends with Joseph dying in Egypt after bringing his extended family there. They were protected by the Egyptian king, who knew Joseph. The book of Exodus begins with a description of how Joseph’s extended family increased over time, becoming very numerous. A new king arose who knew nothing of Joseph and felt threatened by this increasing group of people — so he enslaved them. They cried out to God. God heard their cry, and he sent Moses and Aaron to demand that the new king release them. Eventually, after many plagues, including the final deadly one when every Egyptian’s firstborn son was killed, the king released them into the desert. They crossed the Red Sea, wandered through the wilderness, and landed at the base of Mount Sinai.

God’s people had just lived through a lot! Their life together was chaotic and crazy. As slaves, God’s people did not have liberty. Their oppressors had forced rules on them for centuries. So when God delivered them from the hands of the Egyptians, God’s people experienced a previously unknown freedom. And this freedom created questions, such as:

  • How do we live together and treat each other fairly?
  • How do we become a community?
  • How do we learn to trust?

At the base of Mt. Sinai, the people were free but not flourishing. Moses was sent up the mountain to talk with God. He returned with the Ten Commandments which offered some guidance, answers, and structure to this new community. ...

Thank you to this week's writer Brian Christopher Coulter. 

You can read the rest of the commentary on our website.

Order of worship for October 8, 2023. These liturgies are free to use.
Prayer for parents of young children by Andrew Taylor-Troutman
The truth about rules (October 8, 2023) by British Hyrams
How to live with God and one another — Weekly Christian ed lesson by Joelle Brummit-Yale
Want the worship resources for October 1, 2023? You can find them here.


Information fatigue
In a world with seemingly unlimited books on church decline and innovation, what are pastors to do? — Eliza C. Jaremko

Healing desire: Hindu and Buddhist wisdom for our post-truth predicament
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A land that heals us
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Unification Commission consults PMA and OGA staff among others
During their Sept. 17 meeting, the commission's consultations workgroup reported on 17 listening sessions. The group also considered hiring a unification director. — Lucinda Isaacs

Do away with blind readers for PC(USA) ordination exams
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The Book of (More) Delights
In his new book of essays, New York Times best-selling author Ross Gay shows how delight and critical rage can coexist — and we are made better by attempting to hold both. — Rose Schrott Taylor

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