Thursday, November 17, 2022

The PC(USA) Store - Save Now on Baptism & Confirmation Resources!

Save Up to 40%

on Baptism & Confirmation Resources

As you begin thinking of your confirmation and baptism plans for 2023, we wanted to help you save on these integral resources that help you build the life of faith for all members of your congregation. Browse the resources below to save 20% - 40% now through November 30, 2022!

Baptism Resources
Save on the downloadable components of the Baptize unit from the all-ages Follow Me curriculum series, which illuminates the importance of baptism for our entire life of faith, from childhood through adulthood.

Please note that the large- and small-scale packages below include printed Adult Reflection Guides for the unit, however if the Adult Reflection Guides are purchased separately, they are not discounted.
Being Reformed Baptism Resources
Baptism Workbook
$12.00  $9.60
Ideally used by worship committees and sessions, expectant parents and grandparents, and adults who have not been baptized and are seeking membership in the church.

Re-Membering Baptism Study
Leader's Guide: $11.00  $8.80
Participant's Book: $7.00  $5.60
This study for adult groups explores the theological meanings of baptism in the Reformed and Presbyterian traditions.
The Baptism of Your Child, Pack of 5
$33.00  $26.40

This book answers common questions new parents and new members with small children have about having their children baptized. Wehrheim walks parents through the traditional elements of Presbyterian baptismal service and offers resources to continue as a faith nurturer. Note: this is a pack of five.
Baptism Promises
$10.00  $6.50

The perfect baptism gift!

Baptism Promises is a board book ideal for children from birth to age 3 that helps explain to children the significance of their baptism and the promises their family and church community made to them during the sacrament.

Confirmation Resources
Big God Big Questions Class Kit
Download & Printed Resources
$145.00  $116.00

This kit includes everything you need for a class of five confirmands. Includes 1 Teacher’s Guide (download), 5 BIG Journals (print & ship), 10 Home/Mentor Guides (print & ship), 1 set of infographics (download), and 12 videos (download).

Exploring Confirmation Workbook
$12.00  $9.60

Offering wise and sensitive perspectives on the meaning of Confirmation and its practices in the church, this resource may be used in different ways: as a self-guided study, as a group study, and as a ready reference for personal reflection.

100 Things Every Child Should Know before Confirmation
$19.00  $11.40

Many youth arrive at confirmation classes without a basic grasp of key Bible stories or Christian traditions. This book helps to fill that gap, offering Sunday school teachers, parents, and adult volunteers a compact guide for equipping their youth with knowledge and understanding of their own faith. Each entry includes suggestions for how educators and parents can explore this item with their children and ideas for integrating the topic into the child's overall Christian education.

The Meal Jesus Gave Us, Revised Edition
$16.00  $9.60

In this introductory volume, perfect for Protestant new member classes and confirmation leaders interested in gaining a greater understanding about communion to help confirmands, acclaimed theologian and writer N. T. Wright explains the background of the Last Supper, the ways in which Christians have interpreted this event over the centuries, and what it all means for us today. This revision includes questions for discussion or reflection after each chapter.

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PC(USA) Store
100 Witherspoon Street
Louisville, KY 40202

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