Thursday, November 17, 2022

Hymns for Advent Year A 🎶

Did you know that the Outlook has hymns that correspond with the lectionary readings for Advent Year A?

With the hymns in our store, you can offer variety to your congregation’s Advent services as well as support the Outlook. With your purchase, you will be emailed the master. You will be free to print as many copies as you need or display the hymn digitally during the service.

You can purchase all four hymns that correspond to Advent Year A (plus a bonus hymn) for $35. 
See here.

You can purchase all 14 of our Advent hymns, including the hymns that correspond to Advent Year A's lectionary readings. The total package is $90. See here.

If you would like to purchase hymns for individual weeks in Advent Year A, please visit: week oneweek twoweek threeor week four. For each week, you will receive one hymn that corresponds to the lectionary readings and a bonus hymn for a total of $10.

Explore our Advent Year A hymns

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