Thursday, September 29, 2022

The PC(USA) Store - New Worship Companion from the Connections Series!

Two new resources in the Connections family are now available. The worship companion offers complete liturgies for all worshiping occasions between Advent and Pentecost of Year A, from the call to worship to the closing charge, with prayers and litanies for every need in between. The daily devotional is crafted with mainline, lectionary preachers and lay leaders in mind, both to supplement their planning for the week and to feed their souls in the midst of the work of ministry.
If you’re looking for other lectionary resources or for non-lectionary resources for preaching, check out our interactive digital Preaching Resource Guide where you can compare products and read excerpts.

A Worship Companion to Connect to Your Congregation

Connections Worship Companion: Year A, Volume 1
Advent through Pentecost
Edited by David Gambrell

Part of the Connections commentary series, these worship resources help congregations illuminate the connections between Scripture and liturgical rhythms. A “Making Connections” essay precedes each liturgical season’s resources, providing context for worship within the themes and purpose of the season.

Read an Excerpt
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A Devotional for
Lectionary Leaders

Everyday Connections
Reflections and Practices for Year A
Edited by Heidi Haverkamp 

This year-long devotional provides a full fifty-two weeks of devotional prompts based on the Revised Common Lectionary for Year A. Drawing from the insightful Bible commentaries in the Connections series, each week also includes scriptural and literary readings, lectio divina, spiritual practices, questions for journaling, and prayers.

Read an Excerpt
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The Original Preaching Series

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Get a full year of preaching inspiration for only $94.25!

For each worship day within the three-year lectionary cycle, the commentaries in Connections link the individual lection reading with Scripture as a whole as well as to the larger world.

Additionally, Connections places each Psalm reading in conversation with the other lections for the day to highlight the themes of the liturgical season. Finally, sidebars offer additional connections to Scripture for each Sunday or worship day.

Read an Excerpt (First Two Weeks of Advent)
Browse All Year A Volumes
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Prayers for Our Community, Our Nation and Our World

We can offer specific daily prayers for our community, nation and world. Between Monday,  February 24  and Sunday, March 2, we'll lay be...