Friday, January 8, 2021

Prayers of the people: Let our stumbling be an occasion for humility

Eternally loving Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
we bow before you our maker and our only redeemer.
Have mercy upon us and upon the nation
in this time of unprecedented violence undermining
all sense of common good and thwarting every effort
to heal the bleeding wounds of our division.
We are mindful that it is not by our power that peace will reign
but through the power of your Spirit working in us
to do that which is your will for all nations:
upholding justice, righteousness and the common good for all people.

Blessed God, we confess we are in deep need.
Fear, anger and anxiety are mixed with a bewildering sadness
at the plight of this nation. We don’t know any way forward
that will turn bitter enemies into partners who will join one another
seeking peace for this nation. We are stumbling.
Let our stumbling be an occasion for humility
and a deep turning to you.

By your merciful Spirit, fill us with courage
that we will not falter in the calling
to be instruments of your peace,
ambassadors of your saving love in Jesus Christ,
the hope of the world.
As your ambassadors,
deliver us from all cowardice that we may confront
malignant forces of evil arrayed
against the creation of a nation that honors all people.

We are also mindful of those elected officials
whose duty it is to uphold the laws of the nation.
Grant unto them the wisdom to do what is right in your sight,
even when the right thing is the hardest thing.
Stay the hand of the one in power
so the common good of the people will not face further harm.
Let not such power be used for wickedness
upon the innocent or upon this nation.

Great Trinity of Love: receive our prayers.
Satisfy those that align with your eternal purpose.
Give to us faith and courage,
And grant that by your Holy Spirit,
we may walk in the way of Jesus Christ, our Lord.


by Roy Howard, Outlook book editor and minister member of National Capital Presbytery

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