Monday, June 8, 2020

PPL Enews Reproductive Technologies, The Science of Dads & more



Five Fatherly Reflections On My Embryo Baby's First Birthday
By Nate Birt


When people learn I’m the father of three sons and a daughter, they often remark, “You finally got your girl.” Boy, did I ever. Our Snowflakes® embryo baby, Phoebe, turns 1 year old this March. My wife, Julie, and I, along with our biological sons, Micah, Titus and Ezra, couldn’t be more elated that she is a part of our lives. The past 12 months have served as a powerful awakening to the blessing of embryo adoption and of the placing family that gifted us with her presence.

Jennifer Lahl is the Founder and President of the Center for Bioethics and Culture and producer of the documentary films, Eggsploitation, Anonymous Father’s Day, Breeders: A Subclass of Women?, and Maggie’s Story. In 2018 she released #BigFertility which is an official selection in the Silicon Valley International Film Festival.  Her articles on the Public Discourse site examine the complicated facets of the modern surrogacy movement. 

“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!” John 3:1a
From the very beginning of life the father is definitively important to the child’s development and future. The "Father Effect" in child development begins as early as maternal labor and infants with involved fathers have higher cognitive scores, even though they will never remember playing with their father at that age. Fathers help boys learn how to form relationships and develop social skills. Active, warm and involved fathers influence girls to avoid sexually risky behaviors and develop expectations for men to invest meaningfully in long-term relationships.

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From the PPL Resource Tab 
Reproductive Technologies |
REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGIES Perhaps you dream of having a baby but struggle with infertility. Maybe you have biological children but are considering adoption to build your family. In this guidebook written by a veteran journalist-turned-adoptive father, learn everything you need to know about the embryo adoption process from your first call with an agency or fertility clinic to bringing baby home from the hospital.
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