Thursday, December 5, 2024

Presbyterians for Earth Care - Winter Solstice Worship Service 🌠and MORE 🌎in December!


A Winter Solstice Worship Service

The contemplative worship service will observe the theme of darkness at Winter Solstice and prophetic proclamation of the birth of light from Advent. Darkness can be a safe place of retreat, like when bears hibernate in winter or perennial bulbs rest in the ground before shooting forth again come spring. Darkness can also be catastrophic, like when there is natural disaster or terrorism and war. Environmental news seems more threatening than ever – the middle Atlantic Current (AMOC) is weakening and the carbon sink of trees and land failed to absorb much carbon in 2023. At the same time, politicians and policy makers who deny Climate Change and stress government de-regulation over environmental protection will be making decisions that impact not just the USA but the entire globe. When the darkness seems most threatening, how does Christ give us courage to continue? If you are experiencing disquiet, depleted energy, and fears for the future, join with others on Saturday evening Dec. 21st for this special Zoom gathering. We are not alone. 

Webinar Date: Saturday, Dec. 21, 2024

Time: 7:30 pm EST (6:30 CST, 5:30 MST, 4:30 PST)

Presenter: The Rev. Dr. Janet Adair Hansen

Rev. Dr. Janet Adair Hansen has been passionate about God’s Creation her whole life; her doctoral dissertation for San Francisco Theological Seminary was on “Wilderness Spirituality.” She was a General Assembly Commissioner in 1990 when the PCUSA adopted our major environmental justice policy statement and an original Restoring Creation Enabler trained at Ghost Ranch in 1996. From 1997-2003 she served on the Steering Committee for the predecessor to PEC – Presbyterians for Restoring Creation. She was Conference Coordinator for the national Eco-Justice Conference on “Living Waters” at St. Simon’s Island Feb. 2000. In Susquehanna Valley Presbytery in New York she helped the late Rev. Dr. William Gibson write the 2001 PCUSA statement on biodiversity loss and threatened mass extinction. She served the Synod of the Northeast on the Public Policy Advocacy Network for 13 years, the last 7 as Moderator. Since “retiring” in 2018, Janet has volunteered and worked at Yellowstone National Park, 2 California Redwoods State Parks, a Gulf Coast Texas State Park, and 6 New York State Parks. She served Presbyterian Churches for 36 years as a local pastor, the last 18 at Christ Community Church in Cortland NY. From 2019-2021 she served as Interim Pastor for a UCC church next to Acadia National Park in Maine, and has just begun as Interim Pastor for a Federated Church in the Berkshire Mountains of Western Massachusetts.

It's time to nominate YOUR

Eco-Justice Champion for 2024!

Do you know a young adult, 30 years old or younger, who connects their faith with creation and shows great potential to be a future leader for environmental justice? Or perhaps you know a more mature person who has spent their life acting and advocating for the beauty, integrity and health of God’s creation. Maybe your congregation or faith organization operates in a sustainable manner and promotes being a good steward of God’s earth within and beyond its membership. 

If one of these prompts brought an individual or a congregation/organization to your mind, now is the time to nominate them for a Presbyterians for Earth Care (PEC) Annual Earth Care Award. PEC presents three awards each year, two for an individual and the other to an organization.  These awards are presented to individuals and groups whose work for the environment is particularly praise-worthy and creative. 

Visit the Awards page on the PEC website for more information, then nominate your eco-justice hero by December 22. You may also download, complete and return a printed Nomination Form for PEC Earth Care Awards. If you are a PEC member/donor, you are welcome to nominate an awardee. If you are not a member/donor and would like to make a nomination, you can join or renew now.

Volunteers are needed to make the decision about which qualified individual/congregations or organizations will receive the 2024 Awards. If you would like to serve on the PEC Awards Committee and attend up to two virtual meetings in December, contact PEC Coordinator, Mindy Hidenfelter

Online Bible Study

Lesson 4: Water Justice

You are invited to join Presbyterians for Earth Care on Sunday, December 22nd for an online study of:

Let Justice Roll Down: God’s Call to Care for Neighbors and All Creation

by Patricia K. Tull
Suggestions for Leaders by Rebecca Barnes

Please join PEC for this unique monthly opportunity for community and meaningful study.


Time: 7:00 pm Eastern/ 6:00 pm Central/ 5:00 pm Mountain/ 4:00 pm Pacific. The study will run for 75 minutes each session.

Future Dates: Dec. 22nd, Jan. 26th, Feb. 23rd, Mar. 23rd, Apr. 28th, May 26th

Study Leaders: Rev. M. Courtenay Willcox and Rev. Lucy Youngblood

Each lesson is stand alone - join us online for any or all of our study sessions! We hope to see you there!

Called to Make a Difference for Creation

Presbyterians for Earth Care (PEC) educates about the causes and consequences of climate change, yet recent storms in Asheville, Florida, and other states are worse than what many could have imagined. In the last year, our monthly webinar series provided information about climate change, environmental resilience, green energy and its funding, fossil fuel divestment, solar power EV charging stations, and the advocacy of faithful voting.

While PEC absorbs the cost for most of our educational and advocacy events, none of this is free. PEC gives webinar speakers an honorarium. We work to keep the conference registration fee affordable but cover the travel, room and board costs for speakers. We also pay our PEC Coordinator and a part-time bookkeeper. 

With Donald Trump’s election, our work is more important than ever. We will advocate to counter the new administration’s poor environmental policies. Our work will continue with greater intention, regardless of government response.

As a non-profit, PEC relies on sponsors that include congregations, organizations, and individual donations from people like you to continue and improve our work to care for God’s earth. Please consider donating today to help PEC lead our denomination to a sustainable, faithful, and joyful way of living on this planet. 


PEC Annual Membership Meeting will be held online on Jan. 12, 2025 at 4:00 pm EST (3:00 CST, 2:00 MST, 1:00 PST).  During the meeting, we will be electing new Steering Committee Members, as well as breaking into discussion groups.  Stay tuned for more details and the link!

PEC’s Earth Care Conference will be held at Ferncliff Camp & Conference Center on Oct. 8-11, 2025!  More information will be available soon!  We hope to see you there!

How can we help you care for God’s creation?  Drop us an email and let us know at

Help us grow! Please let us know if there is anyone we should add to our list!  Just reply to this email.  Thank you!

Please help us to continue to assist individuals and churches in creation care work by donating to PEC through our website by CLICKING HERE.  Thank you!

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