Monday, December 18, 2023

Advent Unwrapped: Dwelling in Possibilities

Dwelling in Possibilities…

Alydia playing a tuba at city hall

This is me at Tuba Christmas at Toronto City Hall. 

Even after 30 years of practice, training, and muscle memory, I am still amazed that I can blow a raspberry into a long tube of brass and make music. It's really magical, and I rely on this magic to bring me joy in my times of trouble, when joy and happiness feel out of reach. Even after 20 years of ministry, the same stories of prophets, magi, shepherds, ordinary people, and angels continually reveal something new. It’s miraculous that the stories of our faith that taught my ancestors (despite hateful and harmful interpretations) continue to teach us. That scripture, like the song of Mary, which has been sung for thousands of years, still motivates us to turn the world around for the better. I have loved some people my whole life (and others I have loved for their whole lives), and even still, I find new and unexpected things to love about them, even in my hardest moments. Joy is like this; it is uncontrollable, unpredictable, and surprising. 

Every time I pick up my horn, go to church, open my Bible, or visit a friend, I can’t guarantee that joy will come, but I am content to dwell in the possibility of joy. Perhaps my grandpa, who was a carpenter, felt the same way about woodworking, or my grandma, who is a seamstress, feels the same way about needlework. We can’t control joy for ourselves or for others, but hopefully, in our worship and in our ministries, we can create the possibility for joy to bubble out like a raspberry, even in our times of trouble. 

[Image credit: courtesy of Alydia Smith]

This Week’s Round-up: New Videos, and more!

If you are looking for resources to share with people who maybe new to Advent, or if you need a bit of a primer yourself, be sure to check out (and share) Your (Unofficial) Guide to Advent! This handy newsletter has some FAQ’s, tips for the season (at church and at home), and resources for worship at home.

The Original Advent Unwrapped theme video for Joy is the gift that keeps on giving. The imagery of joy as an egg, in a fragile place, full of anticipation and potential, feels particularly poignant today as we search for joy.

Catch up on some webinars from Advent Unwrapped past as you do your last-minute prep.

Advent Blogs of The Week

Why do we wrap Christmas Presents?
Our social media is buzzing with all things Advent! This week's blog from Stephen Milton uncovers a question many of us probably wondered--Why do we wrap presents? Plus, check out the peace themed Microblog contributions from Sarah YangMichael Lee, and Mini Choi

Shout Outs!

Gift box with box next to a card that reads "Thank you"

A special shout-out to all of the worship leaders out there who keep on creating spaces and opportunities for us to dwell in the possibilities, regardless. Thank-you!

Last year, I gave a shout out to Journey Band of St. Mary’s Road United Church, and their CD “A Year in the Life of Faith.” Are there other great songs and resources to share? Let me know at

To Consider

Embroidered Butterfly that says Dwell in Possibibility Emily Dickinson
The holidays can be triggering for people of all ages in different ways. The constant reunions and family get-togethers can be painful for people who are separated from parts of their family. There is the pressure to be joyful and grateful. And there is also a sensory overload. Consider ways to respect all of the complex feelings that people are holding during this season.

You can find some ways to support your own mental health or that of others in our resource: Supporting Mental Health and Wellness During Advent.

To Try

Tin foil, card stock, markers, with a drawing of Mother Mary and baby Jesus
I love this craft because it always comes out beautifully. First use crayons or oil pastels to draw a simple picture on a heavy paper (like card stock). If you wanna be fancy about it, outline the drawing with white glue and let it dry. Then take some markers (maybe blues and purples) and colour on a piece of foil (about the same size as your card). Spray the foil with some water and then dip your card right into the foil. And tada, you have created a beautiful water colour background! Again, if you would like to stay fancy, use the markers, foil, and water to create some instant watercolours that you could paint on to your drawing with a paintbrush. The glue will help to create a nice outline around your work (as it dries clear). Add some black tempera paint to your glue for a stained glass window effect.

In anticipation,


P.S Remember sharing means caring! If this email has been forwarded to you by a loving friend, family member or neighbour please sign-up for our weekly Advent newsletter. You may also want to follow us on on our Facebook page, where you can share links to resources, ideas and inspirations that have worked for you.


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