Friday, November 24, 2023

The Presbyterian Outlook - A free Advent liturgy & Thanksgiving prayers

December 3, 2023
First Sunday of Advent
Mark 13:24-37

We often treat Christmas as an end, as if all the little doors on the Advent calendar lead to the birth of Christ and the opening of presents on Christmas morning. After the living room is trashed, full of ripped wrapping paper, and Santa’s cookies have mysteriously disappeared, we’ve successfully “done” Christmas. But Christmas is a new hope, not an end. Advent, from the Latin adventus, means “coming.” The church’s season of preparation is not just for the birth of Jesus at Christmas but for Christ’s second coming.

Jesus’ speech in Mark 13, known as Mark’s “Little Apocalypse,” highlights the destruction of the Temple, social chaos, “wars and rumors of war” (v.7) as the “beginning of the birth pangs” (v.8) — the signs of the apocalypse. Mark was written during a time of Christian persecution by the Roman Empire, but these words still echo today. Our world is erupting in devastating wars while we witness the horrifying killing of innocents. This Advent, the political and social chaos of Jesus’ day resonates a little too well.

When we are overwhelmed by the suffering of our world, what can we learn from apocalyptic texts that turn us to the future? How can these texts illuminate the ways we can and should move through our current context? How can these texts prepare and inspire us for a new beginning come Christmas?

Mark’s “Little Apocalypse” is meant to encourage the faithful to endure, because, as the old spiritual says, “soon and very soon, we are going to see the King” (Glory to God, 384). Mark anticipates Jesus will return within his lifetime, encouraging us to “keep awake” (v.37), recognize the ways God is already here, and keep hopeful eyes on the horizon for the redemption God promises to bring.

The climax of Jesus’ apocalyptic speech in verses 26-27 describes God’s final gathering of his people. Jesus reassures those suffering that God is ultimately in control; their hardships will not last forever. The vision of God’s people gathered “from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of heaven” (v.27) is a source of strength. There is no greater suffering than that endured alone. ...

Read the rest of the commentary on the website.

Order of worship for December 3, 2023. These liturgies are free to use.
Talking about the Israel/Palestine conflict with children by Karen-Marie Yurst
Home and hope in Ruth (December 3, 2023) by Chris Burton
Sing of Hope — Weekly Christian ed lesson by Joelle Brummit-Yale
Want the worship resources for November 26, 2023? You can find them here.


COGA approves updates to PHS mission statement, strategic plan
With the Committee on the Office of the General Assembly's approval, the Presbyterian Historical Society's mission statement now emphasizes: “Collect, Preserve, Share, Transform.” — John Bolt

The Present You, Lord, Might Open
Scott Barton turns Isaiah 64:1-9 into a prayer.

Praying with finger paints
May your creating be your prayer, writes Ashley Mason Brown.

The “Day by Day Deck”
Looking for the perfect gift for a parent, pastor or Sunday school teacher? Consider the "Day by Day Deck" — an inter-generational tool for praying with pictures. — Amy Pagliarella 

Thanksgiving prayers, liturgies and articles by various authors

"Creator of the Stars of Night: An Advent Candle Liturgy" by Carol Holbrook Prickett 
FREE for a limited time. Click to download.

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