Friday, October 27, 2023

The Presbyterian Outlook - Prepare for Sunday, Nov. 5 with our resources

November 5, 2023
Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost
Matthew 23:1-12

“Teri, what do you think?”

My seminary professor called on me because she’d noted the “thoughtful” look on my face.

Did I dare tell the truth? My brain had lost track of – or just plain given up on – the class’s deep theological conversation and was comfortably contemplating a sparrow sitting on a branch outside the classroom window.

I did not tell my professor about the sparrow. Instead, I stumbled and stammered my way to the answer that often came to me during my seminary days.

“I don’t know.”

I thought I knew God. Then I went to seminary.

“Deconstructing” is a term post-evangelicals use today to describe how they are working their way out of toxic Christian teachings. But we could all use some deconstruction – and reconstruction – when it comes to our faith. Seminary shone a light on the ways my faith was not only superficial, but in some ways, even wrong. Theological education, studying the works of Augustine, John Calvin, H. Richard Niebuhr, James Cone, Delores Williams, Gustavo Gutiérrez and so many more can be a radical upheaval; an exercise in humility where you come to know all you don’t know about God.

In Matthew 23, Jesus denounces religious leaders who lack humility — misusing their authority, expecting seats of honor at banquets and in the synagogue. But the scribes and Pharisees of the first century were not a monolith. We should not read Jesus as condemning all the religious leaders — just those who assume they are above others; those who need a lesson in knowing all that they don’t know. ...

Read the rest of the commentary on the website.

Order of worship for November 5, 2023. These liturgies are free to use.
All Saints Sunday — Weekly Christian ed lesson by Joelle Brummit-Yale 
Enlarging our vision (November 5, 2023) by Ted Foote, Jr.
10 tips for crafting inclusive worship experiences by Donald Griggs
Want the worship resources for October 29, 2023? You can find them here.


A litany for Reformation Sunday (October 29, 2023)
Composed of excerpts from the creeds, catechisms and confessions of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), this litany has been compiled by Susan Carter Wiggins.

Introducing the Outlook’s new social media producer
Presbyterian Outlook welcomes Jesy Littlejohn to our staff.

Interreligious respect and care: A Virginia rabbi’s letter to a local Muslim society
All Dulles Area Muslim Society and Northern Virginia Hebrew Congregation have partnered for 15 years. In a letter penned last week, Rabbi Michael G. Holzman emphasizes the importance of their relationship in the face of violence.

PC(USA) mission co-worker shares an update from the Holy Land
Teri McDowell Ott speaks to Doug Dicks, the PC(USA) regional liaison to Israel, Palestine and Jordan.

A prayer for Reformation Sunday
Chris Currie offers a prayer that names the complex legacy of our church.

Is celebrating and studying the Reformation still valuable?
Dawn DeVries writes that the lives of Martin Luther, John Calvin and John Knox remain relevant.

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