Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Worship resources for 7/17 and GA news

July 17, 2022
Sixth Sunday of Pentecost

Luke 10:38-42


Martha is irritated. You can hear it in her tone.

“Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to do all the work by myself? Tell her then to help me.”

Why would Martha speak to her male guest, her teacher, her Jesus like this? Even in today’s culture, could you imagine asking your houseguest to chide your sister for not helping you with the chores?

When I first read this passage, Jesus’ words to Martha, “you are worried and distracted by many things” rang in my head like a morning alarm clock.

If I were Martha, I’d respond, “Of course, I’m worried and distracted — I’m a working mom of two teenagers. I’ve got deadlines to meet, family schedules to track, carpools to coordinate, laundry piling up, and a commitment to myself not to gain a hundred pounds while managing ALL the things. I can’t do everything I’m called to do without being a little worried and distracted.” I’d be irritated, too.

You can find the rest of the commentary on our website.

An order of worship for July 17, 2022. This liturgy is free to use.
General Assembly creates a commission to unify two agencies at the top level of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) by Leslie Scanlon
GA approves 12 weeks of family leave, strengthens the church’s response to sexual misconduct, and affirms reproductive justice by Stephen Salyards
General Assembly approves budgets and sets per capita rate for 2023 and 2024 by Leslie Scanlon
PC(USA) General Assembly declares government of Israel actions toward Palestinians “apartheid” by Leslie Scanlon
GA reelects Moffett as Presbyterian Mission Agency president and executive director by Greg Allen-Pickett


Assembly approves statement on antisemitism, Islamophobia as study document
Thursday morning session featured the Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations Committee report.

The 225th General Assembly ends on a note of gratitude and hope for the future of the church
Young Adult Advisory Delegates presented a gift to the co-Moderators, and the assembly ended with the same prayer it started with, acknowledging that there is work to be done. — Greg Allen-Pickett

The 225th General Assembly’s “Hands and Feet” program continues to address the injustice of cash bail
Even from a recording studio, the “Hands and Feet” program encouraged the 225th General Assembly to act on behalf of the poor and those targeted by unjust systems.

Assembly moves Mission Engagement and Support to Administrative Services Group
Minor changes were made to Church Discipline; other reconsiderations failed. — Jerry Van Marter

GA debates diverse work of Ministry Coordination Committee including LGBTQIA+ Advocacy and format for GA226
Commissioners affirmed resolutions on LGBTQIA+ issues, gender-inclusive language and diverse families. They concluded with a proposal for a hybrid 226th GA. —Greg Allen-Pickett

Disciplinary policies amended as GA grinds through revisions
Plenaries 10 and 11 wrap up as GA falls further behind schedule, slowly working through changes to the Book of Order’s Rules of Discipline. — Eric Ledermann and Jerry Van Marter
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