Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Looking Into the Lectionary — Worship resources for 6/19

June 19, 2022
Second Sunday of Pentecost

1 Kings 19:1-4, (5-7), 8-15a


1 Kings 19:9-13 offers some direction for understanding how we hear God speak to us. Elijah is a great prophet of our faith. Driven from his homeland by Jezebel’s death threats, the solitary prophet – who believes he is the only person still faithful to Yahweh – goes back to the place where his faith began. He hides in the same rocky cleft that once sheltered Moses, and there, he encounters God in a small still voice, in a voice the Hebrew describes as “utter silence.”

How do we hear God’s voice? How can we find utter silence? It can be hard. We live in a world full of noise, including noise from people who declare that they have messages from God without truly listening to our Creator. Chances are that we all know people like the wind, the earthquake, and the fire.

The person who is like the wind probably talks continuously. You hear their voice in every aspect of life. Those individuals are the ones who give advice and then keep giving advice even after the lesson is learned. Maybe you know a person who loves to give advice, but I declare the advice is just wind if the person does not acknowledge the presence of God and speak from the heart.

The person who is like the earthquake probably moves and shakes everything. You can see the products of their handiwork. Those persons are always working to make things better sometimes to the detriment of others since they rarely have time for anyone else. Maybe you know an individual who is a mover and shaker, but I declare their actions are as destructive as an earthquake if they do not possess the love of Jesus Christ in their heart that fuels their words, actions, and deeds.

Thanks to guest author Rev. Cecelia Armstrong.

You can find the rest of the commentary on our website.

An order of worship for June 19, 2022. This liturgy is free to use.
The Uniform Lesson for June 19, 2022, by Richard Boyce.
2022 GA to consider pressures on small churches and presbyteries by Leslie Scanlon
How do you pray with others in their time of need? by Kathleen Long Bostrom


Presbyterian Outlook hosts “Meet the candidates” webinar
On June 9, the Presbyterian Outlook hosted a webinar featuring those standing for moderator of the 225th General Assembly.

Processing trauma through stories
Joshua Kerr highlights three recent pieces of fiction that examine trauma in a helpful, accessible way.

Changes to the Rules of Discipline
Page McRight, who chaired the Rules of Discipline Revision Task Force, previews what edits will be suggested to General Assembly.

Race, reparations and reproductive justice fill the docket for the Race and Gender Justice Committee of GA225
A preview of the Race and Gender Justice Committee for the 225th General Assembly by Beth Waltemath.

GA round up: What to expect out of this year’s General Assembly
Outlook national reporter Leslie Scanlon reports on what you need to know about General Assembly.

Order extra issues of the #TrustBlackWomen special issue
In April, Presbyterian Outlook turned over an entire issue to Black women to highlight and center the voices of these trustworthy leaders, scholars, theologians, writers and artists. Order extra copies today for just $2 per copy while supplies last.

Did you hear?
Mark Hinds retired in 2020 after several years of leading curriculum publishing for the PC(USA). — Add your own professional or personal update on our new online bulletin.
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