Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Looking Into the Lectionary — Worship resources for 5/8

May 8, 2022
Fourth Sunday of Easter

Acts 9:36-43


“Women hold up half the sky.”

I was first introduced to this Chinese proverb through Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDuun’s inspiring book, Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide. Gender inequality hurts whole societies, not just women, by allowing half a population’s human resources to go untapped. Throughout the book, Kristof and WuDuun share stories and evidence that educating girls, investing in maternal health care and empowering female entrepreneurs are successful poverty-fighting strategies.

It could also be said that women hold up half the church. Every church community I have called home has had a woman, or a group of women, whose work was so vital that without them, the congregation would dissolve into complete disarray. This Sunday’s lectionary passage from Acts describes one such woman.

You can find the rest of the commentary on our website.

An order of worship for May 8, 2022. This liturgy is free to use.
God’s comfort and care — Weekly Christian ed lesson by Joelle Brummit-Yale


Liberating letters 
An Outlook Standard Lesson for May 8 written by Richard Boyce. 

A prayer for mission co-worker Cathy Chang and the people of the Philippines
A prayerful response to the red-tagging of mission co-worker Cathy Chang in the Philippines.

A litany for coming together again
A litany written by Elana Keppel Levy for our season of transition.

Ritual for renewal
In response to the demands of today, Lucus Levy Keppel writes a ritual for renewal.

A hint at discussions that may come at General Assembly on climate change, abortion
Leslie Scanlon reports on the April 28 meeting of the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board.

COVID, the General Assembly in 2024, and who should make apologies? 
Leslie Scanlon reports on COGA's meeting on April 20.

Preaching to the entire congregation
Jonathan Saur reflects on the lessons he's learned while preaching, even when someone in the congregation doesn't like him. 

After two years of pandemic leadership, one Oklahoma pastor struggles to find his pastoral mojo
Where do we go from here, Joshua P. Kerr wonders?

NEW: Free Discussion Guide for the #TrustBlackWomen Special Issue
Our editors have put together a guide to assist small groups and classes in discussing the Outlook's new #TrustBlackWomen special issue. Request a download link here.
Copyright © 2021 Presbyterian Outlook, All rights reserved.
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1 N. 5th St., Suite 500 Richmond, VA 23219

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