Friday, March 26, 2021

Connecting during social distancing: This week's resources for worship, study and navigating COVID-19

Presbyterian Outlook
COVID-19 news & resources

This week, churches are preparing for Palm Sunday / Passion Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week. The resources in this email will help you get ready for Sunday, and we will send another email with materials for Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.

Below, you will also find prayers for Holy Week and responding to the violent shootings in our country this month. You are welcome to use these prayers in worship (but please give credit to the author!).

Leslie Scanlon provided this round-up of how Presbyterians and congregations are planning to observe Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Easter this year — with many meaningful and creative ideas.

Remember: Check our website or follow us on social media to get materials as soon as they are released. You'll find weekly "Looking into the lectionary" reflections, all of the Outlook's COVID-19 news and stories, and our new worship resources here.

Grace and peace,
Jana Blazek
Outlook associate editor

Worship resources
News & Ministry Aids
Jesus of Eden, You made our frail world, but we have despoiled what you made good.

by Jay Blossom
Holy God, Powerful God, God of Love and Peace! Hear our prayer! We cannot abide this self-inflicted pain any longer. 

by Denise Pass
Come, Lord Jesus, to show us how to live; give us the wisdom, courage, and fortitude we need to tell the truth and to be changed.

by Rebekah Close LeMon
Churches have learned much about change and adaptation this year.

by Rebecca Gresham-Kesner
Are these resources helpful to your ministry or faith practice?

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Donations help us create additional resources to serve the church.

The Presbyterian Outlook | 1 N. 5th St., Suite 500, Richmond, VA 23219

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