Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Lenten devotions by Outlook editor Jill Duffield

The liturgical season of Lent invites us to refocus on God as we prayerfully examine our priorities, actions, thoughts and expectations.

Often, we give something up for Lent as a way of reminding us daily of Jesus' sacrifice. We might also take on additional spiritual practices or acts of service so as to follow Jesus more closely. These devotions invite you to both let go and hold on. Each week offers you the opportunity to let go of that which distracts from discerning God's presence and instead hold on to that which God promises.
Download the PDF, print as many as you need and insert them into your weekly worship bulletin. Written by Outlook editor Jill Duffield, each week includes a reflection, daily Scripture readings, suggestions for living out the Bible reading and a short prayer for each day. Five weeks of devotions and bonus prayers for Holy Week are available for immediate download.
Hymns for Lent, Holy Week and Easter 

Beloved Presbyterian hymn writer, Carolyn Winfrey Gillette, has composed hymns for Year A set to well-loved hymn melodies. 

Hymns for each Sunday of Lent and for Holy Week and Easter use the lectionary Scriptures to enhance your worship.

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The Presbyterian Outlook, 1 N. 5th St., Suite 500, Richmond, VA 23219

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