Friday, November 29, 2024

Today in the Mission Yearbook - The first of three Beecher Lectures lays out four codes of preaching

Witness, Share and Evangelize: Today in the Mission Yearbook - The first of three...: The Rev. Dr. John McClure, a PC(USA) pastor who taught at Louisville Seminary and the Vanderbilt Divinity School, delivers the first of thre...

Looking into the lectionary - Worship resources for Advent 1 and 2

December 8, 2024
Second Sunday of Advent 

Malachi 3:1-4, Luke 1:68-79, Philippians 1:3-11, Luke 3:1-6

All our lectionary texts this week revolve, to varying degrees, around the idea of God’s work in the world — that God intends to put right what has gone wrong. The metaphor from Luke 3, with John the Baptist promising the leveling of the valleys and straightening of the roads, may be most familiar to your faithful churchgoers. But the metaphor the prophet Malachi employs – of a messenger who comes like a holy housecleaner to polish the silver and scrub the laundry – may have more personal resonance.

I have a few childhood memories of helping my mom polish the family silver, of lying everything out on towels and rubbing with silver polish until the tarnish was gone and they shone again. I remember thinking it was very nearly magical that something could go from so repulsive (no one wants to put tarnished silver in their mouths) to something so beautiful. I loved the transformation of what looked like a bunch of old junk to a table full of treasure. It wasn’t the easiest task – it takes a bit of patience and elbow grease to really make silver shine – but it always felt worth it.

I couldn’t help but think of those polishing afternoons when I read Malachi’s prophecy to the people of Israel in chapter 3. Of course, he doesn’t just leave it at polishing; he also talks about refining silver and gold with fire, burning away the impurities. Still, the process is the same: purifying what has been made ugly so that it is beautiful and useful again.

Malachi spoke to a people who were losing faith. Perhaps that’s too generous. They were throwing away their faith. They thought that once they returned to their beloved Jerusalem from exile and rebuilt their magnificent temple everything would be solved, bright and shiny again. But it didn’t turn out that way, and so they grew lax with their faith, giving God their leftovers and rolling their eyes at words like peace and justice and covenant. Their respect for God, and God’s ways, was growing tarnished from disuse.

The opening line of the Book of Malachi is heartbreaking: “I have loved you,” says the Lord. “But you ask, ‘How have you loved us?’” (Malachi 1:2)

The people don’t see God’s love for them. They only see that the world is not as it should be, not as they want it to be, and so they give up. They give up on God. They give into what they can control — money, power, people beneath them on life’s ladder. The verses after our lection spell out some of their specific sins: disloyalty to God and to each other, lying, exploiting day laborers, oppressing widows and orphans, and brushing off immigrants. Still, God reminds them that God does not change and they have not perished. Therefore, there is still hope. ...

Read the rest of the commentary on the website.

Thanks to this week's writer Carol Holbrook Prickett.

Order of worship — December 8, 2024, by Carol Holbrook Prickett
Welcoming all children: Congregations learn how to be in ministry with foster families by Melissa Earley
The God of tents and incarnation (December 8, 2024) by Rose Schrott Taylor 
Unification Commission consolidates PC(USA) agencies, resulting in program changes and staff reduction by Gregg Brekke, Outlook reporting
A Thanksgiving prayer (When we’re tired of giving thanks) by Elizabeth Doolin 
A Great Thanksgiving around the family table by Shea Watts 
Want the worship resources for December 1, 2024? You can find them here.
An Advent Candle Liturgy by Dr. Montisa Anntoinette Watkins and Rev. Shavon Starling-Louis — Free for a limited time!


Resources for grief and loss
Amy Pagliarella suggests the resources for grief pastors, caregivers, and loved ones will want on hand, to reference or offer to others in need. 

The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina awards Marshall Presbyterian Church Emergency and Disaster Response Grant
Marshall Presbyterian Church is pleased to announce that it has received $25,000.00 from The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina to rehab its building after Hurricane Helene.

This is our time
There will be better times, but this is our time, writes Tim Hart-Andersen.

A new partnership in disaster relief
Mennonite Disaster Services joins Wintergarden Presbyterian Church, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance and the Florida United Methodist Conference to help hurricane survivors.  — Wintergarden Presbyterian Church

A Corporation President Kathy Lueckert announces her retirement, effective Jan. 31, 2025
She’s not quite done serving the church. Lueckert plans to return to the staff of Village Presbyterian Church in Prairie Village, Kansas. — Mike Ferguson

What Japanese Gardens taught me about letting go
Sometimes, you have to say goodbye to something full of potential, writes Karie Charlton.

Westminster Presbyterian Church in Oklahoma City receives $1.2 million Lilly Endowment grant for neurodiverse inclusion
The church will use the funds to establish Big Faith Resources, an initiative providing resources and tools for including neurodiverse children and their families in corporate worship, faith formation and spiritual practices. — Westminster Presbyterian Church

Who Is a True Christian? Contesting Religious Identity in American Culture
By claiming that there is no normative Christianity, David W. Congdon critiques liberal and conservative Christians alike for their practices of exclusion. — Aram Feinberg
An original, daily devotional — perfect for printing or emailing

Prayers for Our Community, Our Nation and Our World

We can offer specific daily prayers for our community, nation and world. Between Monday, December 2 and Sunday, December 8, we'll lay before God the needs listed below.

  • Monday, December 2, 2024 - That we celebrate the gifts and talents that God has given us.
  • Tuesday, December 3, 2024 - That people take seriously God's call to be good stewards of creation.
  • Wednesday, December 4, 2024 - That fathers and mothers in every American household would exercise godliness.
  • Thursday, December 5, 2024 - That students would have a passion for God.
  • Friday, December 6, 2024 - That nations work to secure and enhance international peace.
  • Saturday, December 7, 2024 - That we choose to show generosity and compassion to the poor and the needy.
  • Sunday, December 8, 2024 - That we work together to protect the natural environment that's been entrusted to our care.

Sunday's Message - Our Reason for Thanks

Sligo Presbyterian Church: Our Congregation and Community: Sunday's Message - Our Reason for Thanks: On Sunday, we considered how Christ the King can enhance our celebration of Thanksgiving. Below is a audio recording and text of the sermon....

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

The PC(USA) Store - Two Days Left for Free Shipping!

Receive free ground shipping on book orders of $50 or more through November 26, 2024! This special offer is good on orders that include books from Westminster John Knox Press and Flyaway Books as well as curriculum. Simply use the promo code* FREESHIP24 at checkout. Start browsing books now or check out our 2024 interactive Gift Guide to find the perfect gifts for the loved ones on your list!
As you prepare to purchase gifts, please be aware that shipping times continue to be affected by many factors. While it’s likely that you can order later, our distributors suggest ordering by December 4th to ensure delivery by Christmas Eve.

*Important: Please note that the free shipping promo code offer does not apply to the Book of Common Worship, Glory to God hymnal, These Days, or products produced by Presbyterian Women, Office of the General Assembly, or Presbyterian Mission Agency. If these products are in your cart, you will pay shipping on those items, but still receive free shipping on books and curriculum from Westminster John Knox Press and Flyaway Books.
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Sunday, November 24, 2024

Friday, November 22, 2024

The Presbyterian Outlook - Praying when we're tired of giving thanks 🍁

December 1, 2024
First Sunday of Advent 

Jeremiah 33:14-16; Psalm 25:1-10; 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13; Luke 21:25-36

The goal of the 1960s Civil Rights Movement was clear — freedom from oppression, segregation, and racism. African Americans had a vision of what this freedom could and should look like and worked toward it.

Before civil rights protestors marched, they gathered in churches to sing hymns and spirituals about the future God desired for them. This clear vision of promise strengthened them to nonviolently endure water hoses, attack dogs, and the beatings of police batons. Of these marches, Martin Luther King Jr. said, “We just went on before the dogs and we would look at them; and we’d go on before the water hoses and we would look at it, and we’d just go on singing ‘Over my head I see freedom in the air.’”

The lectionary texts for the first Sunday of Advent lift our eyes to the horizon, to the promised future for God’s world, each text a tile of a larger, unseen tessellation.

“The days are surely coming” declares Jeremiah, for the fulfillment of God’s promise to redeem and restore the house of Israel and Judah. This promise will manifest through a branch of David’s lineage, someone whose reign will be characterized by “justice and righteousness” leading God’s people to “live in safety.” ...

Read the rest of the commentary on the website.

Order of worship — December 1, 2024, by Teri McDowell Ott
Horizons — Water justice by Rosalind Banbury
God acting through time (December 1, 2024) by Rose Schrott Taylor 
Israel/Palestine Mission Network of the PC(USA) votes to change name by Gregg Brekke
A Thanksgiving prayer (When we’re tired of giving thanks) by Elizabeth Doolin 
A Great Thanksgiving around the family table by Shea Watts 
Want the worship resources for November 24, 2024? You can find them here.
An Advent Candle Liturgy by Dr. Montisa Anntoinette Watkins and Rev. Shavon Starling-Louis — Free for a limited time!


In Mike Huckabee, Israel will have a longtime friend and true believer as ambassador
The former Arkansas governor and pastor-turned-Fox News host has been a supporter of Israel since his first visit in the 1970s. He sees the growth of Israel as a sign that biblical prophecies are true. — Bob Smietana, Yonat Shimron and Jack Jenkins

What evangelicals say they want from a second Trump term
‘Our people were elated, for the most part, over the election results,’ said Robert Jeffress, a Southern Baptist pastor. — Jack Jenkins

“Thou shalt not lie” and other thoughts on loving our neighbor
The command against bearing false witness connects truth-telling with the well-being of our neighbor, writes Ray Roberts. In light of the election, we need to remember this.

What now for the Anglican Communion?
Besides needing to pick a new leader, the Church of England has an urgent need to show in short order that it can respond to abuse. — Catherine Pepinster

Taming the power of trauma: The ongoing challenge is to reconcile experiences of trauma with our theology
The ongoing challenge, says Sarah Ann Bixler, is to reconcile experiences of trauma with our theology.

A letter to my Sunday school teacher
Sherry Blackman shares how one person can change the trajectory of someone's life.

Revelation: Professing Christ Today
In a world that frequently promotes hatred, hostility and division, discover Revelation’s call to embody God’s grace, generosity and forgiveness. A new Fresh Outlook study.

Patterns of divine possibility: An Advent search for God’s diverse ordering
In a world dominated by binary thinking – light vs. dark, good vs. evil – this Advent devotional by Teri McDowell Ott challenges us to see beyond familiar binaries and embrace the complex, natural patterns of God in the world.

Looking into the lectionary - The surprising power of small churches

April 6, 2025 Fifth Sunday in Lent Psalm 126 By the time we reach the Fifth Sunday in Lent each year, I generally observe either despair or ...