Friday, August 25, 2023

The Presbyterian Outlook - Worship resources for September 3, 2023

September 3, 2023
Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Romans 12:9-21

Howard Thurman was a Christian minister, philosopher, public theologian and author. He was a prominent religious figure who lived in the 20th century and influenced the church and its leaders in so many ways. He was one of the people folks like Martin Luther King, Jr. grew up reading.

In one of Thurman’s books, Jesus and the Disinherited, he argued that going the way of Christianity is not always the same as going the way of Jesus. Because we live in a complex world and because of our sinful nature, we have taken many of Jesus’ teachings and adapted them in some unhelpful ways he argues. He writes:

“The basic principles of [Jesus’] way of life cut straight through to the despair of his fellows and found it groundless. By inference he says, ‘You must abandon your fear of each other and fear only God. You must not indulge in any deception and dishonesty, even to save your lives. Your words must be Yea–Nay; anything else is evil. Hatred is destructive to hated and hater alike. Love your enemy, that you may be children of your Father who is in heaven.”

Thurman argued that many of the religious leaders of his day had many formal (and informal) teachings about fear, dishonestly and hatred that were counter to how Jesus was calling us to live. Thurman believed that Jesus’ way told us that we should fear only God, so it would be silly for us to fear another person because of their skin color. We should never be dishonest even to save ourselves because in our dishonesty we lose ourselves. And we should reserve hate for only what is evil because any other hatred is poison to the one who holds it.

Thurman pushed the church into a more authentic faithfulness in our walk with Christ. He challenged many mainstream misconceptions, asked us to take an honest look at our biases, and created a space for future generations to question from where the teachings passed down to them had come.

The apostle Paul was a Jewish leader, philosopher, public theologian and author. He was a prominent religious figure who lived in the 1st century and influenced the church and its leaders in so many ways. He was one of the people folks like Martin Luther King, Jr. grew up reading. ...

You can read the rest of the commentary on our website.

Thank you to this week's guest writer Brian Christopher Coulter.

Order of worship for September 3, 2023, by Molly Spangler. These liturgies are free to use.
How we do — Weekly Christian ed lesson by Joelle Brummit-Yale
The divisions we create (September 3, 2023), by Daniel Frayer-Griggs
The 2023-2025 Book of Order is now available and in effect by Lucinda Isaacs
Want the worship resources for August 272023? You can find them here.


What story Bible should I buy?
Based on a recent Outlook survey, Jo Wiersema shares the top children’s Bibles for early and pre-readers — and what you should consider when purchasing a story Bible.

How to travel with intention
Thinking about a pilgrimage? Heather Prince Doss recommends several books that help you move beyond tourism and travel with spiritual intention.

Reading recommendation: Prayers for imperfect days
Sometimes, pastors need help finding the right words. Rebecca Gresham shares a resource she turns to when she's tired, overwhelmed, or feels at a loss.

We bear the mark
Ben Weakley, who spent 14 years in the U.S. Army, including deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan, reflects on the cost of killing and the work of healing.

Sacred Self-Care: Daily Practices for Nurturing Our Whole Selves
Amy Pagliarella and Shani McIlwain review Chanequa Walker-Barnes' new book where she writes: "We are our bodies. There can be no spiritual life that does not engage the body.”

The theology of Barbenheimer: What a plastic doll and an atomic bomb can teach us about our call as Christians
Jodi Craiglow examines the practical theology of summer blockbusters “Oppenheimer” and “Barbie.”

Prayers for Our Community, Our Nation and Our World

We can offer specific daily prayers for our community, nation and world. Between Monday, August 28 and Sunday, September 3, we'll lay before God the needs listed below. 

  • Monday, August 28, 2023 - That our leaders work for unity and cooperation.
  • Tuesday, August 29, 2023 - That families read their Bible and attend worship services together.
  • Wednesday, August 30, 2023 - That our judges would value the principles reflected in the Old and New Testaments.
  • Thursday, August 31, 2023 - That we respect and honor our parents and raise our children with compassion.
  • Friday, September 1, 2023 - That the war in Ukraine be settled as soon as possible.
  • Saturday, September 2, 2023 - That we all recognize that our actions impact others.
  • Sunday, September 3, 2023 - That the world unites in care for those affected by the conflict in Ukraine.

The Sligo Presbyterian Church Celebration Service - Sunday, August 20, 2023

Sligo Presbyterian Church: Our Congregation and Community: The Sligo Presbyterian Church Celebration Service ...: We're going to spend the summer of 2023 with the Patriarchs. During eleven worship services, beginning on Father's Day, we'll us...

Sunday's Message - The Patriarchs: Encountering the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph (Joseph and His Brothers)

Sligo Presbyterian Church: Our Congregation and Community: Sunday's Message - The Patriarchs: Encountering th...: We're going to spend the summer of 2023 with the Patriarchs. During eleven worship services, beginning on Father's Day, we'll us...

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Today in the Mission Yearbook - PAM’s Worship & Music choirs offer up a full and united sound pleasing to everyone in attendance, including God

Witness, Share and Evangelize: Today in the Mission Yearbook - PAM’s Worship & Mu...: Both the Chamber and Adult choirs were under the expressive direction of Dr. Jason Max Ferdinand August 23, 2023 Video URL:  https://vimeo.c...

The Wedding Service for Chris LaPearle and Kara Powell on Saturday, August 19, 2023

On Saturday, August 19, I officiated the wedding of Chris LaPearle and Kara Powell in the Gateway Lodge, Cooksburg, Pennsylvania. Below a picture and a podcast of the service. If you're planning your wedding and need an officiant, please give me a call at 304-479-3402.

Friday, August 18, 2023

Today in the Mission Yearbook - ‘No water necessary. No waiting required’

Witness, Share and Evangelize: Today in the Mission Yearbook - ‘No water necessar...: Worship at the Presbyterian Association of Musicians’ Worship & Music Conference explores water, faith and healing August 18, 2023 Dr. T...

Embrace the sacred in all living things at Montreat.

Earth & Soul - Reawakening to the sacredness of the earth and every human being. October 25-27, 2022, at Montreat Conference Center
Join us this fall for the latest installment from The NC School of Earth & Soul. During Celtic Wisdom 2: Sacred Earth, participants will learn directly from acclaimed author and teacher John Philip Newell as he focuses on reawakening to the sacredness of Earth through the teachings of Eriugena, the Carmina Gadelica, and John Muir. Previous attendance at a John Philip Newell event is not needed in order to register. Anyone, regardless of where they might be on their spiritual journey, is invited to attend. If you are unfamilar with Earth & Soul, below we have provided details from a few of the daily activities. We encourage you to read through each description and ponder if this might be an event for you!
Or, go ahead and register online!
Prayer and Meditation - Each day the conference will begin and end with meditative prayer and chant. Our hope is that this practice will help aid in personal reflection of the day’s studies.
Ancient Wisdom - John Philip’s teachings draw on his study of ancient Celtic scholars and the wisdom their historical practices held. Learn how you can apply this same ancient wisdom to navigate today’s modern challenges.
Reawaken Your Spirit - At its core, this conference is about reawakening our spirits to the truth that is innately known within our being so that we may start to recognize the sacred in all living things.
Discover more about Earth & Soul on our website
Plus, something new for those who want to delve deeper! - Thresholds of Hope is an new, experiential weekend taking place on October 20-22, immediately following The School of Earth & Soul. This retreat is focused on the House Gatherings model developed by John Philip Newell. This intimate retreat will allow participants to study, reinforce spiritual practices, and discuss ways for compassionate action in a community of like-minded individuals. In-depth times of spiritual practice will be led by Cami Twilling, director of Earth & Soul, and Saturday evening will feature a fireside chat with John Philip where you will have the opportunity to ask anything about his teachings or his own journey.
Register for Thresholds of Hope
Montreat Conference Center gathers people to experience God's transforming power and inspire love for the world.
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Prayers for Our Community, Our Nation and Our World

We can offer specific daily prayers for our community, nation and world. Between Monday, August 21 and Sunday, August 27, we'll lay before God the needs listed below. 

  • Monday, August 21, 2023 - That all those effected by the Maui fires receive the help they need. 
  • Tuesday, August 22, 2023 - That teachers and administrators would be open to God's Word and God's will.
  • Wednesday, August 23, 2023 - That those in the entertainment industry recognize any negative influences within their media creations.
  • Thursday, August 24, 2023 - That those in the media and government would report facts accurately and without any bias.
  • Friday, August 25, 2023 - That the people of Ukraine be protected.
  • Saturday, August 26, 2023 - That we offer God thanks for all his blessings.
  • Sunday, August 27, 2023 - That we approach our differences with both faith and commonsense.

The Sligo Presbyterian Church Celebration Service - Sunday, August 13, 2023

Sligo Presbyterian Church: Our Congregation and Community: The Sligo Presbyterian Church Celebration Service ...: We're going to spend the summer of 2023 with the Patriarchs. During eleven worship services, beginning on Father's Day, we'll us...

Sunday's Message - The Patriarchs: Encountering the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph (Jacob Becomes Israel)

Sligo Presbyterian Church: Our Congregation and Community: Sunday's Message - The Patriarchs: Encountering th...: We're going to spend the summer of 2023 with the Patriarchs. During eleven worship services, beginning on Father's Day, we'll us...

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Friday, August 11, 2023

Today in the Mission Yearbook - A tug-of-war with the communion loaf

Witness, Share and Evangelize: Today in the Mission Yearbook - A tug-of-war with ...: The Rev. Larissa Kwong Abazia uses humor to tell a truth about our worries among God’s great extravagance August 11, 2023 A trio of children...

Prayers for Our Community, Our Nation and Our World

We can offer specific daily prayers for our community, nation and world. Between Monday, August 14 and Sunday, August 20, we'll lay before God the needs listed below. 

  • Monday, August 14, 2023 - That Americans celebrate the values on which our nation was founded.
  • Tuesday, August 15, 2023 - That international tensions decrease and all nations learn to live in peace with one another.
  • Wednesday, August 16, 2023 - That we look past the immediate benefit so that they might see the long-term consequences of their actions.
  • Thursday, August 17, 2023 - That our community, state and national leaders would be presented with the Gospel and a loving Christian witness.
  • Friday, August 18, 2023 - That we listen to those who have experiences different from our own.
  • Saturday, August 19, 2023 - That our judges and Supreme Court justices would adjudicate with godly wisdom.
  • Sunday, August 20, 2023 - That the Canadian wildfires are brought under control.

The Sligo Presbyterian Church Celebration Service - Sunday, August 6, 2023

Sligo Presbyterian Church: Our Congregation and Community: The Sligo Presbyterian Church Celebration Service ...: We're going to spend the summer of 2023 with the Patriarchs. During eleven worship services, beginning on Father's Day, we'll us...

Sunday's Message - The Patriarchs: Encountering the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph (Jacob with Leah and Rachel)

Sligo Presbyterian Church: Our Congregation and Community: Sunday's Message - The Patriarchs: Encountering th...: We're going to spend the summer of 2023 with the Patriarchs. During eleven worship services, beginning on Father's Day, we'll us...

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

The PC(USA) Store - Your Advent in August Sale Starts Now

Study, Learn and Grow: The PC(USA) Store - Your Advent in August Sale Sta...: Prepare for the Advent and Christmas seasons and save big on these 30 best-selling books when you shop our  Advent in August Sale ! But hurr...

Friday, August 4, 2023

Prayers for Our Community, Our Nation and Our World

We can offer specific daily prayers for our community, nation and world. Between Monday, August 7 and Sunday, August 13, we'll lay before God the needs listed below. 

  • Monday, August 7, 2023 - That we put aside our self-interest for the sake of our neighbors.
  • Tuesday, August 8, 2023 - That our leaders have the courage and wisdom to confront the racial divisions within our country.
  • Wednesday, August 9, 2023 - That all racial divisions be healed.
  • Thursday, August 10, 2023 - That our leaders would be honest, humble and God-fearing men and women who recognize that they are accountable to God for each decision and action.
  • Friday, August 11, 2023 - That people stop expressing their frustration through violence.
  • Saturday, August 12, 2023 - That Americans put aside partisan difference so that we can address the problem of gun-violence.
  • Sunday, August 13, 2023 - That God would protect our service men and women both home and abroad.

The Sligo Presbyterian Church Celebration Service - Sunday, July 30, 2023

Sligo Presbyterian Church: Our Congregation and Community: The Sligo Presbyterian Church Celebration Service ...: We're going to spend the summer of 2023 with the Patriarchs. During eleven worship services, beginning on Father's Day, we'll us...

Sunday's Message - The Patriarchs: Encountering the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph (Jacob's Dream at Bethel)

Sligo Presbyterian Church: Our Congregation and Community: Sunday's Message - The Patriarchs: Encountering th...: We're going to spend the summer of 2023 with the Patriarchs. During eleven worship services, beginning on Father's Day, we'll us...

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

🌱 Eco-spirituality Masterclass

Study, Learn and Grow: 🌱 Eco-spirituality Masterclass: Join us this Saturday for the Eco-Spirituality Masterclass! Eco-spirituality is becoming a popular topic–but few know what it actually is. I...

Looking into the lectionary - The surprising power of small churches

April 6, 2025 Fifth Sunday in Lent Psalm 126 By the time we reach the Fifth Sunday in Lent each year, I generally observe either despair or ...