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Living the Christian life involves approaching God through prayer, praise and worship. On this site, we can find different ways people have and can enter into his presence.
Friday, August 25, 2023
The Presbyterian Outlook - Worship resources for September 3, 2023
Prayers for Our Community, Our Nation and Our World
We can offer specific daily prayers for our community, nation and world. Between Monday, August 28 and Sunday, September 3, we'll lay before God the needs listed below.
- Monday, August 28, 2023 - That our leaders work for unity and cooperation.
- Tuesday, August 29, 2023 - That families read their Bible and attend worship services together.
- Wednesday, August 30, 2023 - That our judges would value the principles reflected in the Old and New Testaments.
- Thursday, August 31, 2023 - That we respect and honor our parents and raise our children with compassion.
- Friday, September 1, 2023 - That the war in Ukraine be settled as soon as possible.
- Saturday, September 2, 2023 - That we all recognize that our actions impact others.
- Sunday, September 3, 2023 - That the world unites in care for those affected by the conflict in Ukraine.
The Sligo Presbyterian Church Celebration Service - Sunday, August 20, 2023
Sligo Presbyterian Church: Our Congregation and Community: The Sligo Presbyterian Church Celebration Service ...: We're going to spend the summer of 2023 with the Patriarchs. During eleven worship services, beginning on Father's Day, we'll us...
Sunday's Message - The Patriarchs: Encountering the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph (Joseph and His Brothers)
Sligo Presbyterian Church: Our Congregation and Community: Sunday's Message - The Patriarchs: Encountering th...: We're going to spend the summer of 2023 with the Patriarchs. During eleven worship services, beginning on Father's Day, we'll us...
Wednesday, August 23, 2023
Today in the Mission Yearbook - PAM’s Worship & Music choirs offer up a full and united sound pleasing to everyone in attendance, including God
Witness, Share and Evangelize: Today in the Mission Yearbook - PAM’s Worship & Mu...: Both the Chamber and Adult choirs were under the expressive direction of Dr. Jason Max Ferdinand August 23, 2023 Video URL: https://vimeo.c...
The Wedding Service for Chris LaPearle and Kara Powell on Saturday, August 19, 2023
On Saturday, August 19, I officiated the wedding of Chris LaPearle and Kara Powell in the Gateway Lodge, Cooksburg, Pennsylvania. Below a picture and a podcast of the service. If you're planning your wedding and need an officiant, please give me a call at 304-479-3402.
Tuesday, August 22, 2023
Today in the Mission Yearbook - Handbell directors and players at PAM’s Worship & Music Conference discuss what it takes to make their joyful noise
Witness, Share and Evangelize: Today in the Mission Yearbook - Handbell directors...: ‘It gets in your blood’ says Co-Director Brian Childers August 22, 2023 Video URL: https://vimeo.com/840236462 Conference participants ring...
Friday, August 18, 2023
Today in the Mission Yearbook - ‘No water necessary. No waiting required’
Witness, Share and Evangelize: Today in the Mission Yearbook - ‘No water necessar...: Worship at the Presbyterian Association of Musicians’ Worship & Music Conference explores water, faith and healing August 18, 2023 Dr. T...
Embrace the sacred in all living things at Montreat.
Prayers for Our Community, Our Nation and Our World
We can offer specific daily prayers for our community, nation and world. Between Monday, August 21 and Sunday, August 27, we'll lay before God the needs listed below.
- Monday, August 21, 2023 - That all those effected by the Maui fires receive the help they need.
- Tuesday, August 22, 2023 - That teachers and administrators would be open to God's Word and God's will.
- Wednesday, August 23, 2023 - That those in the entertainment industry recognize any negative influences within their media creations.
- Thursday, August 24, 2023 - That those in the media and government would report facts accurately and without any bias.
- Friday, August 25, 2023 - That the people of Ukraine be protected.
- Saturday, August 26, 2023 - That we offer God thanks for all his blessings.
- Sunday, August 27, 2023 - That we approach our differences with both faith and commonsense.
The Sligo Presbyterian Church Celebration Service - Sunday, August 13, 2023
Sligo Presbyterian Church: Our Congregation and Community: The Sligo Presbyterian Church Celebration Service ...: We're going to spend the summer of 2023 with the Patriarchs. During eleven worship services, beginning on Father's Day, we'll us...
Sunday's Message - The Patriarchs: Encountering the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph (Jacob Becomes Israel)
Sligo Presbyterian Church: Our Congregation and Community: Sunday's Message - The Patriarchs: Encountering th...: We're going to spend the summer of 2023 with the Patriarchs. During eleven worship services, beginning on Father's Day, we'll us...
Thursday, August 17, 2023
Today in the Mission Yearbook - ‘The wise love to know better, do better and be better’
Witness, Share and Evangelize: Today in the Mission Yearbook - ‘The wise love to ...: Worship & Music class on biblical dialogue, dissonance and debate has a look at Wisdom literature August 17, 2023 Photo by Alexandra Ful...
Saturday, August 12, 2023
Today in the Mission Yearbook - A hundred Presbyterians walk into a bar …
Witness, Share and Evangelize: Today in the Mission Yearbook - A hundred Presbyte...: And the music they make is moving and memorable August 12, 2023 Video Link: https://vimeo.com/838153073 The Presbyterian Association of Mus...
Friday, August 11, 2023
Today in the Mission Yearbook - A tug-of-war with the communion loaf
Witness, Share and Evangelize: Today in the Mission Yearbook - A tug-of-war with ...: The Rev. Larissa Kwong Abazia uses humor to tell a truth about our worries among God’s great extravagance August 11, 2023 A trio of children...
Prayers for Our Community, Our Nation and Our World
We can offer specific daily prayers for our community, nation and world. Between Monday, August 14 and Sunday, August 20, we'll lay before God the needs listed below.
- Monday, August 14, 2023 - That Americans celebrate the values on which our nation was founded.
- Tuesday, August 15, 2023 - That international tensions decrease and all nations learn to live in peace with one another.
- Wednesday, August 16, 2023 - That we look past the immediate benefit so that they might see the long-term consequences of their actions.
- Thursday, August 17, 2023 - That our community, state and national leaders would be presented with the Gospel and a loving Christian witness.
- Friday, August 18, 2023 - That we listen to those who have experiences different from our own.
- Saturday, August 19, 2023 - That our judges and Supreme Court justices would adjudicate with godly wisdom.
- Sunday, August 20, 2023 - That the Canadian wildfires are brought under control.
The Sligo Presbyterian Church Celebration Service - Sunday, August 6, 2023
Sligo Presbyterian Church: Our Congregation and Community: The Sligo Presbyterian Church Celebration Service ...: We're going to spend the summer of 2023 with the Patriarchs. During eleven worship services, beginning on Father's Day, we'll us...
Sunday's Message - The Patriarchs: Encountering the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph (Jacob with Leah and Rachel)
Sligo Presbyterian Church: Our Congregation and Community: Sunday's Message - The Patriarchs: Encountering th...: We're going to spend the summer of 2023 with the Patriarchs. During eleven worship services, beginning on Father's Day, we'll us...
Wednesday, August 9, 2023
The PC(USA) Store - Your Advent in August Sale Starts Now
Study, Learn and Grow: The PC(USA) Store - Your Advent in August Sale Sta...: Prepare for the Advent and Christmas seasons and save big on these 30 best-selling books when you shop our Advent in August Sale ! But hurr...
Friday, August 4, 2023
Prayers for Our Community, Our Nation and Our World
We can offer specific daily prayers for our community, nation and world. Between Monday, August 7 and Sunday, August 13, we'll lay before God the needs listed below.
- Monday, August 7, 2023 - That we put aside our self-interest for the sake of our neighbors.
- Tuesday, August 8, 2023 - That our leaders have the courage and wisdom to confront the racial divisions within our country.
- Wednesday, August 9, 2023 - That all racial divisions be healed.
- Thursday, August 10, 2023 - That our leaders would be honest, humble and God-fearing men and women who recognize that they are accountable to God for each decision and action.
- Friday, August 11, 2023 - That people stop expressing their frustration through violence.
- Saturday, August 12, 2023 - That Americans put aside partisan difference so that we can address the problem of gun-violence.
- Sunday, August 13, 2023 - That God would protect our service men and women both home and abroad.
The Sligo Presbyterian Church Celebration Service - Sunday, July 30, 2023
Sligo Presbyterian Church: Our Congregation and Community: The Sligo Presbyterian Church Celebration Service ...: We're going to spend the summer of 2023 with the Patriarchs. During eleven worship services, beginning on Father's Day, we'll us...
Sunday's Message - The Patriarchs: Encountering the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph (Jacob's Dream at Bethel)
Sligo Presbyterian Church: Our Congregation and Community: Sunday's Message - The Patriarchs: Encountering th...: We're going to spend the summer of 2023 with the Patriarchs. During eleven worship services, beginning on Father's Day, we'll us...
Tuesday, August 1, 2023
🌱 Eco-spirituality Masterclass
Study, Learn and Grow: 🌱 Eco-spirituality Masterclass: Join us this Saturday for the Eco-Spirituality Masterclass! Eco-spirituality is becoming a popular topic–but few know what it actually is. I...
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Looking into the lectionary - The surprising power of small churches
April 6, 2025 Fifth Sunday in Lent Psalm 126 By the time we reach the Fifth Sunday in Lent each year, I generally observe either despair or ...

2024 Advent Resources Advent Candle Litanies “Hope: The First Sunday of Advent” “Peace: The Second Sunday of Advent” “Joy: The Third Sunda...
We can offer specific daily prayers for our community, nation and world. Between Monday, November 4 and Sunday, November 10, we'll lay b...
Dear God, We pray for the unity of our nation. Heal the wounds of division and discord. Foster in us a spirit of reconciliation and mutual r...