Thursday, September 30, 2021

Your Advent 2021 Resource Guide Is Here!

Welcome to our Advent 2021 resource guide! You’ll find everything you need for preaching, teaching, devotion, and experiencing the season. If you are viewing this on your computer or device, you can click on any title or cover to be taken to the product page on PC(USA) Store. Look for the dark blue blocks to download resource samples. You can also email or print this to use for personal research or with committees.
Copyright © 2021 PC(USA) Store, All rights reserved.

Friday, September 24, 2021

Prayers for Our Community, Our Nation and Our World

We can offer specific daily prayers for our community, nation and world. Between Monday, September 27 and Sunday, October 3, we'll lay before God the needs listed below.

  • Monday, September 27, 2021 - That artists and entertainers avoid debauchery, pornography, perversion, and drunkenness in their craft.
  • Tuesday, September 28, 2021 - That the racial, ethnic, religious, and political divisions within the United States be healed.
  • Wednesday, September 29, 2021 - That Americans reject the politics of division and hatred and join together as we work to solve the problems we face.
  • Thursday, September 30, 2021 - That we focus on containing COVID-19.
  • Friday, October 01, 2021 - That the body of Christ in America would fervently pray for our nation and its leaders.
  • Saturday, October 02, 2021 - That people put the needs of others before their own wants.
  • Sunday, October 03, 2021 - That governments recognize that their nations will be judged based on how they treat the poor and the powerless.

A Thought from the Word

A brief thought based on Romans 5:3-4 - “But that's not all! We gladly suffer, because we know that suffering helps us to endure. And endurance builds character, which gives us a hope..."

Connecting during social distancing: This week's resources for worship, study and navigating COVID-19

Presbyterian Outlook
COVID-19 news & resources
Dear Outlook readers,

For the past 10 years, my time with the Presbyterian Outlook has been more than work — it’s been a calling, a ministry and a joyful partnership with you, those serving Christ’s church in countless faithful ways. This is my last week with the Outlook — I have accepted a new call to serve as the Director of Communications for Worship Times, and look forward to a new adventure serving congregations in new ways!

It has been a privilege to collaborate with so many creative contributors during my time with the Outlook. And, I have been grateful for the many phone calls and emails from all of you who have shared how the Outlook has helped you serve the church and told me stories about the many ways the Spirit is moving in your ministry context. What a blessing it has been to live out our connectional church this way! 

The Outlook is a small but mighty team of people committed to excellence and service, and it has been an honor to serve among them. I leave you in their very capable hands and look forward to continuing to serve the church in new ways. As the connected Body of Christ, I know our paths will cross again.

Remember: Check our website or follow us on social media to get materials as soon as they are released. You'll find weekly "Looking into the lectionary" reflections, all of the Outlook's COVID-19 news and stories, and our new worship resources here.

Grace and peace,
Jana Blazek
Outlook associate editor

Worship resources
by Joelle Brummit-Yale
News & Ministry Aids
Carlton Johnson reflects on how the Black church has responded to the impact of the pandemics of 2020 and 2021.
The realization that the God of the universe is into camping seems quite applicable in our pandemic world right now, writes Julie Raffety.
Are these resources helpful to your ministry or faith practice?

Please make a donation today. Every amount helps!

Donations help us create additional resources to serve the church.

The Presbyterian Outlook | 1 N. 5th St., Suite 500, Richmond, VA 23219

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

A Thought from the Word

A brief thought based on Joel 2:23 - “People of Zion, celebrate in honor of the LORD your God! He is generous and has sent the autumn and spring rains in the proper seasons.”

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Connectional Church School and Episcopal District Virtual Sunday Morning Worship Services on September 19th

Virtual Sunday Morning Connectional Church School and Worship Services on September 19th

Connectional Church School

Church school will be at 9AM Eastern Time

View the Zoom video:

Buy the Church School Literature

Join the AME Church School Facebook Group

Virtual worship resources and graphics from the AMEC Church Publishing House

Watch the recording here

Christian Education Department

Click here for free Worship Resources from the Christian Education Department

For more free resources click here.

AME Health Commission 

First Episcopal District

Mt. Pisgah, Philadelphia will live stream at 10:45 Eastern Time. Rev. Jay Broadnax is the pastor. The link is available here

Second Episcopal District:

Visit the 2nd Episcopal District Facebook Page for church information.

Kingdom Fellowship AME Church also has a Roku Channel.

Third Episcopal District

Quinn Chapel, Forrest Park streams services online at 10AM Eastern. The services can be viewed online here. Rev. Dr. Fred A. Wright is the pastor.

Fourth Episcopal District

Fifth Episcopal District

You can also view their Roku Channel here.

Visit the 5th Episcopal District Facebook group to view other services.

Sixth Episcopal District: 

Seventh Episcopal District: 

Eighth Episcopal District


Ninth Episcopal District

St. John, Huntsville will stream at 10 AM Central Time. The pastor is Rev. Maurice Wright. The stream is available here.

Tenth Episcopal District

Eleventh Episcopal District

Twelfth Episcopal District 

List of 12th Episcopal District Churches with virtual services.

Thirteenth Episcopal District

Sixteenth Episcopal District

Bethel, St. Croix, Virgin Islands will stream their worship via Zoom at 10 AM Atlantic Standard Time. The pastor is Presiding Elder Uklyn Hendricks, The Zoom ID 729-922-5880 and the password 366642 The Conference Call number is 712-832-8330, and the Access Code 526-4847.

New Bethel II, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic will live stream at 2 PM Eastern Standard Time. The pastor is Rev. Efrain Mateo. The stream is available here.

Emmanuel AME Church, Barbados will stream their service via Zoom at 11:00 AM Eastern Standard Time. The link is here. Rev. Ruth Phillips is the pastor.
Meeting ID: 839 6704 0207
Passcode: 025267

AME Churches with ROKU Channels

1st District
Mt. Zion AME Church (Dover, Delaware); Rev. Dr. Erika Crawford, Pastor
Bethel AME Church (Copiague, New York); Rev. Dr. Keith Haywood, Pastor

2nd District
Community of Hope AME Church (Temple Hills, Maryland); Rev. Tony Lee, Pastor
Kingdom Fellowship (Silver Spring, Maryland); Rev. Matthew Watley, Pastor

5th District
New Philadelphia AME Church (Long Beach, California); Rev. Dr. Darryl Walker, Pastor

6th District
Flipper Temple AME Church (Atlanta, Georgia); Rev. Dr. Gregory V. Eason, Pastor

7th District
Greater St. Luke AME Church (Charleston, South Carolina); Rev. Dr. Krystal Sears, Pastor

Not on our list?
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The Christian Recorder is the official newspaper of the African Methodist Episcopal Church and the oldest continuously produced publication by persons of African descent.  

Bishop Vashti M. McKenzie, Chair of the General Board Commission on Publications
Rev. Dr. Roderick D. Belin, President/Publisher of the AME Sunday School Union
Mr. John Thomas III, Editor of The Christian Recorder

Copyright © 2021 The Christian Recorder, All rights reserved.

Looking into the lectionary - The surprising power of small churches

April 6, 2025 Fifth Sunday in Lent Psalm 126 By the time we reach the Fifth Sunday in Lent each year, I generally observe either despair or ...